Interesting stuff. I’ll admit I know next to nothing about unit testing. The majority of my programming experience (~20 years) is actually non-professional, working on personal projects; which isn’t to say that testing couldn’t have been helpful, just that when working alone there is less pressure and more of a tendency to want to spend time on the fun functionality. I recall learning unit tests way back at uni, and finding it all boring as hell. I think the way it was taught didn’t help - I recall examples where the tests were not so far away from: int x = 10; check(x == 10); and I think that sort of thing tended to put me off.
Anyway, with regards to UE4. I find it interesting the number of times I see people assume that Epic must be aware of this and that, or know the best way of doing things, etc, “because it’s Epic”. I don’t think there are many in the community that dig as often and as deep into the engine code as I do. My honest opinion is that, as impressive as the resulting tech is, the engine in terms of code quality is a complete abomination. It’s clear that over the years it’s grown by continuously tacking on and forcing in new bits and pieces in whatever way achieved the desired result with minimum required work, short term. I won’t go into specifics, but I’m convinced the core of the code is now borderline unmaintainable, and the bugs and regressions are the inevitable result. There are so many interdependencies it simply wouldn’t be possible to write unit tests at this point, the code would need to be rewritten from the ground up.
You’re right that this doesn’t prevent Epic from changing their approach when it comes to new code, but then it’s a question of culture, and changing the culture that’s led to the current state of the codebase. Some of the more modern code is actually far better designed, but it seems to vary a lot, probably just depending on which engineer wrote it. I wouldn’t hold my breath for any large scale changes.
You mention discussions of moving to Unity. I’ve had a look at Lumberyard recently in my spare time, and the design of their new architecture which they’re transitioning to is flat out beautiful. Being a contractor I obviously have to work with what clients are using, but I can only hope LY gains some traction and it becomes viable for me to spend more time on that codebase and less on UE4’s!
I’m speaking purely from a programmer’s perspective, I’ve no idea about the higher level usability. As for programming docs, last I looked into it was a couple of months back, still minimal and often out of date. So my gut feeling is, at this point it’s still way, way off from being usable if you don’t have a sizable team of experienced engineers; it just looks promising long term.
What made me want to check it out initially was less about the state of Epic’s code and more about the state of their interaction and responsiveness to non licensees. Not that I expect engineers to be able to answer my every question, but generally this just dropped off a cliff right about the time they dumped the monthly subscription, and hasn’t stopped falling since. It’s long since I gave up even trying to submit bug reports or PRs. Probably naive to think that LY might be any better in that respect, and current evidence isn’t too encouraging, but I’m willing to be optimistic…
It just sounds like you just don’t have any experience with unit testing or the methodologies I’ve been describing. There’s an easy solution to that: try them out. I outlined above everything you need to know to get started reading about it.
Nobody who has used good development methodologies like that makes the argument that they do exactly the opposite of what they’re intended to do. In this case they save time and labour. “It’s too much work to fix” is only an argument used against unit testing out of ignorance.
Not sure where you’re getting swearing from. The forum aggressively filters out a few words that aren’t swear words though.
I’m far from experienced on the subject, but I get the basic premise and I agree that in an ideal world it makes total sense to have software test itself repeatedly and automatically to ensure developers aren’t introducing new problems. Work smart not hard etc.
So I’m not disagreeing with you at all - but the general vibe I’m getting from this thread so far is “why don’t you just do this really simple thing, and it’ll solve all of the problems”. It’s really not that simple at all, and it definitely won’t stop the engine shipping with bugs no matter how extensive. If that was the case, every man and his dog would be doing it. This also assumes Epic don’t already do some kind of internal unit testing - but we have no idea about their internal processes so this is all purely speculative.
As for me for example, it’s not as easy as just “trying it out” at all, I’d have to do some pretty exhaustive reading on the subject followed by a lot of design and planning to integrate it into my daily workflow, which a lot of people simply can’t afford (or just plain aren’t interested in, especially if they have a workflow that works for them).
Just this guys opinion!
As for the forum stuff, yes it filters things out - but we still see the unfiltered version, it’s still against the rules and technically we’re supposed to add infractions or warnings regardless. Just sayin’
You’re getting that vibe because it is that simple. I’ve converted several workplaces to unit testing and CI and it’s not a big ask. The biggest issue is developers digging in their heels because they don’t like change and don’t understand the benefits, very similar to the point of view you’re coming from right now.
Other than that you have a pretty jaded view of engine issues and that’s Epic’s fault for not managing the UE experience better. But they *can *be fixed. They get fixed all the time. It’s not that much of a stretch to imagine that much of the testing can become painless and automated, and that the work to do that can be done piece by piece as part of a new development methodology. A development methodology that has far-reaching benefits from virtually every perspective. We’re basically discussing seatbelts for programming.
There is no way Epic do internal unit testing to the degree of what I’m describing. Period. Like Bruno said there’s some there, but it’s for very low level functionality, probably a lot of the macro stuff. Code that is designed around unit testing looks nothing like what’s in the engine. There isn’t much to speculate about, you can’t unit test the vast majority of the engine code as it is. Is the code bad because you can’t unit test it, or is the unit testing not there because the code is bad? You don’t solve a chicken/egg problem with circular logic, you just break the cycle.
You don’t need to set up a unit testing framework and write tests to learn about it. Here’s a very good presentation that discusses TDD using symfony and behat. Totally worth a look through:…hp-and-symfony
To be frank if you’re not willing to learn about the subject then introducing a counterpoint to it is pointless and at worst harmful to what is a hugely beneficial process. So take the time to check it out and you might become a convert.
Edit: here’s a video that covers off nicely everything I’ve been talking about:
And here’s an example from PHPSpec, which is an example of the skeletonizer tool I’ve been describing (start from 50 seconds in):
The important thing to note here is the speed he can work at. It’s creating all of that code for him, he’s just plugging in units of work to the methods it creates based on his test functions.
If he was using BDD he wouldn’t even have to make test functions, the BDD parser would have done that for him.