The world contains invalid actor files. Migration to UE5.1

Thanks for the answer.
The project is based on blueprint, and it didn’t have any binaries folder and sln file.

To generate project files, I created an empty C++ project with the same name and copy its “source” folder to my project. How do add c++ source files to BP project?

It still didn’t generate the file with the following error: " Couldn’t set association for project. Check if file is writable." I realized it because the name of the project folder includes special characters.

After fixing these, I was able to generate project files. I edited uproject file with a text editor and removed plugins, in case they’re the problem. Also, I verified engine files.

Then I tried deleting folders and files you said, then generated project files.

Unfortunately, that “repair errors” button is still there and still it’s crashing when I click it.