with monitor? noooo you need more money. And 2 monitors are very very useful for use UE4.
Phew, you made me take a look at my order and caught that I had an i5 in there not an i7! I’ve heard the hyper threading that you get with i7 really helps VS so definitely going that route.
Ya, I noticed a lot of people recommend computers that are using i5 CPU, What is wrong with the i7. I’m no pro but I thought that they beat the i5 generation.
If you have a budget limit, I recommend second hand parts if you want to build a reasonable pc for UE4, new parts are gonna set you back easy $1000
i5 is Quad core cpu and the i7 is Quad core as well but with hyber-threading which gives it the ability to act like a Octa Core cpu(8Cores), I am running a first gen i7 950 running at 3.3Ghz, and it runs UE4 perfectly fine, I have noticed that UE4 depends more on GPU power this time around, so get at least a GTX580,GTX660ti minimum but if your budget is strict then I recommend a GTX 750ti.
As many have already said - For $500 you will not get a system that will run UE4 smoothly if at all. For $500 at best you could watch netflix on it -You would need to double or triple your budget if you want to run UE4 even moderately well.
Also keep in mind that if you buy the parts and build the system yourself you will also have to purchase Windows 7 which is $80-$120 by itself.
I built my current machine just over a year ago and spent around $4,200, my processor alone was over $700 and my ram was over $800.
If you increase your budget to $850 you could get a system with the minimum specs for UE4 :
******In the dropdowns you would need to change the *Processor *to the Core i5-4430 (3.2ghz), the RAM to 8GB (2x4GB), the Video Card to GeForce GTX 760 2GB and select the Operating System Windows 7 Home Premium 64bit which will give you a price of around $850 shipped.
Then all you will need to do is buy a monitor which you may be able to find on craigslist or something, i picked up a nice 22’ Acer for around $60 once so the deals are out there for them.
FYI the minimum UE4 specs are:
Desktop PC or Mac
Windows 7 64-bit or Mac OS X 10.9.2 or later
Quad-core Intel or AMD processor, 2.5 GHz or faster
NVIDIA GeForce 470 GTX or AMD Radeon 6870 HD series card or higher
Hope that helps!
at the moment I am running UE4 with my HD5850 luckily enough I manage over 30fps on 1080p, but that is my development target since I am sacrificing quality over quantity, remember when you build your system you have take in mind what type of game will you be developing in the future so that you can budget according to that.
These 2 can run UE4 just fine, Although I am not to sure about the AMD processor since I am more of a Intell fan, I don’t know the equivalent of it.
And of course I need to buy 2 monitors!
The processor is terrible and you will have trouble with C++ if you plan on going that route instead of Blueprints. You should really listen to the people in this thread. They are correct in telling you that 500 dollars just will not cut it. Whether it can run UDK is irrelevant, as it is NOWHERE near as demanding as UE4.
Also, the ram you selected is only 1333mhz which will be quite slow imo.
There is no way to cheap out on this, no offense and not to be rude. When do you need this computer by? If you can wait until nvidia’s 800 series comes out you will be able to hopefully find a new powerful gpu thats cheap in price
I wanted to start buying the parts & be completed within 20 days. By that time, I will be finished with school & will deserve this as a reward (Excuse to buy stuff) & I will be done mapping the world to my video game on paper, and will be prepared to start production.
C++ compilation/linking is limited by processing speed, not HDD I/O.
Please do not necrobump threads if it is not something very important.
its impossible getting a pc running ue4 perfectly, however i would suggest getting a processor and motherboard and its other hardware without the graphic card and good ram that alone would cost you around $500, with that do your research and browsing and whatever to get your game started, after get the video card then the ram etc. It took me a year to turn my baby into a beast :D, so 1 part at a time
Am going to be blunt for 500$ is not much.
And it whould barly cover the CPU or GPU for your computer.
I spent about 3700$ on my rig that runs several Instences of Visual Studio and UE 4 Editor at the same time at 70+ FPS.
Its no cheep solution to what you are asking.
Closing this thread because advices for someone who made his choice a few months ago won’t help him much I suppose. Also I think everything to be said has been said.