Knowledge Base: Tech Note: Issues with Animation Blueprint Library & Animation Modifiers in 5.2

Changes were made in 5.2 to unify various code paths for animation sampling and storage in the editor. This introduced a number of issues as well as some steps that need to be taken to upgrade Animation Mo…

I believe this is why copying and pasting anim tracks from one montage to another crashes the editor as well.

@Euan_Carmichael - I recently upgraded from 5.1.1 to 5.2.1 and am now seeing this issue. This seems related to the issues you are mentioning here. Is there a workaround for this? Thanks.

@Euan_Carmichael I’ve noticed another potentially significant problem - it appears that the revert event is being called by default before the apply event when the modifier is applied. I have tested this on 5.2 using the SyncMarkerAnimModifier and a custom modifier I created.

Hey @Euan_Carmichael - any updates on this particular issue? Thanks