Targeting system


This is it targeting the closest character in each tick

This is when I launch the current targeted enemy, notice in the background that the enemies on the ground are all playing the same montage as the launched enemy

now create a boolean for “Attacking”

please stop to listen, i will explain

I’ve done it

ok so in your on tick event, do a branch at the start on the boolean “Attacking”

Make sure you connect FALSE to the code you have attach true to nothing at all

Done it

At the end of the find closest enemy set what you find to the new variable “AITarget”

should look similar to this

code in middle will be your code to find the target

What’s next🙂
Should I send a screenshot of what I’ve done so far?

sorry make sure that the first branch is FALSE not true, my mistake in the picture

Yeah I noticed the mistake, I set it to false

ok when you start the attack first thing is set the “Attacking Boolean” to true

perform the attack on the “AITarget” variable

Once finished set “Attacking” to false

this will switch off targeting til you finish attacking then swicth back on

I don’t understand this line of code, I’ve set the beginning of the key press “X” to set attacking to true and at the end of my attacking code I set it to false, is this correct?

yes if x performs the attach set that as the first thing, then perform attack on the “AITarget” variable then set the “Attacking” back to false all in the same code in that order

Okay lemme test it out and see if it’s still buggy

Okay I’m done testing, it’s working fine now, thanks alot :slightly_smiling_face::raised_hands:t3:

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you are welcome good luck!

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Hi there @ValLevi, hope you’re well!

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