Thank you !
Just to update this to what I think may be best practice:
To blend smoothly between two cameras within the player pawn… I’d use the simple link provided by Saeedc above
To switch instantly between two cameras within the player pawn… I’d suggest the following way:
Also remember to set your default camera component Auto activate switch to ON and your secondary camera Auto Activate switch to OFF (either in the component settings or using BeginPlay).
For completeness, if you are using two spring arms, you can toggle them on/off too. Remember to set both Auto activate up as with both the cameras.
Thank You, NorthStar. Simple clean and working switch for 2 cameras. Before, I was confused while using toggles with two cameras, both on springs, they acted super weird. Looks like problem was simply that I need to toggle both - camera and spring arm. This is good for instant switching. I wonder, what is considered best elegant way for switching two (or more) springs-cameras with smooth “cinematic” transition from one to another? Or, there should be just one spring+camera and all variations in spring parameters? Thanks in advance!
I was not aware about Toggle Active - was using Activate/Deactive - so thank you, sir.
hi @Thunder_Owl, sincere apologies… I somehow missed your question… I hope it isn’t to late to give you a useful response
the accepted way to smoothly and cinematically transition between 2 cameras is Set View Target with Blend. It switches between actors and automatically finds the active camera (yes, it’s a bit confusing initally)
However, using this node to switch cameras components that are within a pawn/character/actor involves using a Child Actor component… it’s a tiny bit of a workaround, but afaik it is the accepted approach… the link is above in the response of @Saeedc
As you mention, depending on your needs, you could also just use one spring arm/camera and move it into position by using Spring Arm Offset and Target Offset, also turning on/off controls/lag etc as you need to. I don’t think either way is more correct in this instance… it just depends on what looks right for your purposes
yep, it’s certainly possible… take a look at the link below posted by @saeedc… you’d use this approach when you need to SMOOTHLY blend between cameras
basically instead of Camera Components (maybe at the end of Spring Arms) directly on your character you’d use Child Actors (maybe also at the end of Spring Arms) with Camera Components and use Set View Target with Blend to switch between the (child) Actors (maybe just with a camera component, nothing else)
I have the same approach but now I would like to blend transitions between cammeras, how can I do this? (cammera is not in the map, it is also tied to the character)
Doesn’t seem to fit, I have an actor with 2 cameras, 1st person view attached to head, 3rd person attached to spring arm. I want to switch from 1st to 3rd view. As far as I understand, “SetViewTargetWithBlend” does not work within same actor, the idea is to switch actors, so camera will blend to a second (different) actor’s camera. Parameter “NewViewTarget” does not allow to set which camera, type mismatch, and If i set myself (but previously change active camera) it warps because of the activation.
Are you switching cameras within same actor here? CameraActor62 looks like inside map, right?
yes… instead of 2 Camera Components use 2 Child Actor Components instead… on the Child Actor add a Camera Component
Set View Target with Blend works with Child Actor Components…
If you are still struggling with it, the process is described in a bit more detail in a link on this thread and elsewhere on the forum