switching between movement logic (6dof and WASD third person walking)

Character movement does have a flying mode you could probably use, but you also could be limited to some of the default behavior(like can’t turn upside down).
There might be a way to do it with pure blueprint, but I guess that’s pretty much a open question as I have yet to see people doing it.
Like you said disable the movement component and then enable physics on root component might be a way to do it.
Try experiment more and share your results.

Hey, thanks for responding. So I have done my own pure blueprint movement logic, using this tutorial:

This is my movement logic. On the top, it has the left trigger propelling the character forward in air. Next is the yaw with the left analog stick. lastly is my logic for using the bottom face button to move up in air:

Here’s turning pitch and roll with the right analog stick:

Lastly here’s my current system for switching between walking and flying. It’s just enabling physics simulation so that you can fly in the air, and disabling so that you are affected by gravity and you land (if anyone could teach me how to make it so it toggles with one button that would be great!):

The conflict arises mostly between these two things:
This, which is the standard 3rd person blueprint template movement controls:

And this, which is my “override”, changing the analogs to do pitch, yaw and roll, whereas the normal as seen in the previous picture is to only control yaw since you are on the ground, and the right analog is only for looking and turning yaw:

also btw - there is other logic I’m not showing, but it’s only for keyboard controls. My game will support both gamepad and keyboard but I’m testing mostly with gamepad, and once the logic is down it’ll be easy making it keyboard functional as well.

Basically what I need to do is be able to switch between that 3rd person planar movement logic and my own flying logic when I turn on and off physics simulation. My problem is that I’m not sure how I could set this up. I’m pretty sure that if I put a branch and bool between them, and hook it all up it will just activate whichever node the branch is connected to rather than change the functionality of each controller input, i.e. switch the right analog stick from controlling only yaw to controlling yaw/pitch/roll AFTER physics simulation is enabled (whereas this method I think would just make me turn the yaw if the branch was hooked up to the add actor rotation node).

I also asked reddit and someone suggested I have two player controllers on the same character and just possess the other one whenever I want to switch the movement mode… any idea how this is done if you’re not sure of a better solution?