Switchboard and nDisplay with Shipping Build

Running shipping builds with nDisplay is simple, there’s two ways:

  • Just write your own start script instead of using switchboard. All SB does is send a command line string to be executed on the nodes, just grab that one (from settings), ssh to all your nodes and execute it. Back before switchboard was a thing this was the common way to start nDisplay nodes :wink:
  • Switchboard can deal with executables lately, at least I think I’ve read a commit that said it could. Haven’t tested it, but even if it doesn’t work, you can simply modify the switchboard python source in iirc 1 or 2 lines when it builds the launch command. Works fine!

However, this obviously will not work with the Multi User Server, as that is an Editor feature. So if you need that, you have to run the editor on all nodes.