Swap camera onto projectile temporarily

Okay I’ve been through all the answers and suggestions here and nothing has changed for me. I can only surmise that I have a setup error in my Cannon Ball. It is a Destructible mesh that I made into a Blueprint, then I added a SceneComponent to act as the root that everything else attaches to.

As a test I just added a moveable PontLight into the hierarchy too and I get the exact same problem as I do with the camera. It stays at the point of spawn for the cannon ball but does not move with the ball, same with a particle effect or anything else I add.
For some reason the hierarchy I have is not allowing the different componenets within it to bind to the root or the destructible itself.
What is going on with this?

Should I try changing to a new projectile as a test?
Do destructible objects as blueprints work for this kind of thing?

Thanks again to anyone and everyone, your efforts and suggestions are keeping me sane even though overall I’m a bit frustrated now!


Destructible mesh works fine I tested it. It seems like you are swapping the wrong camera. As a last resort to try and help out, you could add me to Skype and share screen to trouble shoot your blueprint. Add Mortusnyte

I have it working for me and its much simpler than you would expect.
Add a camera with a spring arm in your projectile BP.
Then in your first person character BP add set view target to blend and connect it to spawn projectile.
Use get player controller for the target and plug the return value of spawn projectile into new view target.

Attach the spring arm (that has the camera attached to it), to the projectile mesh itself that needs following. I had the same issue due to the fact that my spring arm was actually attached to the DefaultSceneRoot component, causing it to stay where the initial actor spawn location was.