Subobject properties not replicating.

Yeah, the moves definitely work on both client and server when its not replicated. I even tried playing with my friend online with Hamachi (which simulates LAN) and they definitely work for both of us. The damage variable, AnimMontage, everything… which i’m pretty confused about. Feels like everything I learned doesn’t apply anymore.

Ok, so I understand what you mean. I constructed the object using NewObject instead and that error message is gone. I followed this guide (scroll to the bottom). I tried using TSubclassOf but it didn’t work. I can’t select the specific UDataAsset for some reason with that, just the base class UMove.

But then I have another issue. I tried constructing my UMove using the NewObject template and setting the parameters 1 by 1 but its not possible. I have an array of DataAssets called UMoveLinks in UMove. Within UMoveLinks, there are more UObjects like Input dataassets, etc. I am using a combo system that is a graph data structure (it is a modified version of the FightingPlugin from one of the live series by EpicGames).…f/R2V_D5Krdy4/

So I can’t construct everything through code. Its just way too much UObjects within UObjects. When I try using ConstructorHelpers from existing objects just for some of the inner UDataAssets, I get the same error. So in other words, I can’t really construct those variables. So I decided not to replicate it. Everything still works even if I don’t.