Recommend Godot for 2D and lower-end 3D. Unreal for everything else… Browse related threads before deciding (see below). Overall, Godot is capable of running on a lot of lower-end older hardware. It installs instantly, and is very stable, especially when compared with UE5.
That said, before deciding consider this… Can you locate a working 2D template in any engine, that’s very close to what you want? As that really helps to give your work a huge boost, and gets you further along more quickly (without needing to drop hours on Youtube tuts or blogs / docs). If so, you may find that’s one of the key benefits of choosing the right engine for you.
Unity used to get an automatic mention for 2D and asset store templates. But some recent moves by their CEO, make it hard to see how this corp can survive long-term. Especially when they’re up against increasing competition from feature-rich Unreal / Godot. Unity see their user-base as some sort of locked-in cult. But how adversarial can you get before users just have enough. Insult your entire user base? Merge with a well-known malware distributor? Try to extract every last drop of wall-street blood from developers in a quick money grab? Closing offices this week or forever, still betting Unity will be around in a decade. But it’ll be a debt-laden zombie corp. With Unity, you can’t even open up old projects for reference, without running up against unsolvable DRM gotchas. There’s none of that BS with Godot / Unreal…