Struct not updating values?

So, consider this:

So then you’re thinking, clearly looping through a struct array must be creating copies (pass by value)! Just look at them cheeky navy-blue icons:


All right then, lets do it without the loop:

Duh, I must set it by reference, too!


You can tick pass-by-ref checkbox all day long - it’s a trap. You can’t pass struct by reference, you can’t get a pointer to a struct. As far as I know a struct is not a UOBJECT and this behaviour is not supported, not in Blueprints, that is. If I remember correctly I got it working fine in C++.

Workarounds exist and they’re pretty straightforward, this works like a charm, for example:

That’s not even a workaround, tbh, that’s how things are.

Hope it helps.

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