Stream an asset from the internet

IPlatformFile* PakPlatformFile = FPlatformFileManager::Get().GetPlatformFile(TEXT(“PakFile”));
IPlatformFile* NetPlatformFile = FPlatformFileManager::Get().GetPlatformFile(TEXT(“NetworkFile”));

Thanks for your good code.
I may understand PakPlatformFile, which could be .pak file.
However, what is netplatformfile in this case ?

Hi, Moss!

Could you provide some comments about using in the current Realm?)

ps: had progress

So… Has it been released? What’s it’s name? This thread is years old…

Thanks for the links. However, after reading both topic… It seems that this is specific to the mobile platforms. Can something similar be done with the HTML5 build? What I would like is to be able to get certain assets (that are not always needed, but only sometimes) from a server so they wouldn’t be in the initial package.

dont know about html5 . did not try yet. but for sure that same sytem can be port for desktop too. that mean html also possible.

but u have to do it in engine side. c++ coding.