Stopping with millimetre precision (Pawn)

thanks, i will look for other way

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Hope you find what you need, and good luck in the development process!

I think this is the bit that Everynone didnā€™t pick up on ā€“ if the box is EXACTLY 100 units wide, and the gap between walls is EXACTLY 100 units wide, then youā€™re going to have a bit of trouble with any swept box test that starts with the original box location, unless you can guarantee that the original box will land on exactly the right spot. (Which you canā€™t, unless you make that a specific feature of your movement component.)

This is why you need to ā€œknowā€ where the walls are (for example with the diagonal trace) at least one step ahead of time, so you can stop in an exact location. You can stop in an exact location, but forcefully setting/teleporting the actor/body position to the location you want, and setting the velocity to 0. I said as much in a previous post:

Is there some reason your simulation code canā€™t do this?

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Also, I donā€™t understand this statement.
You develop the code for the box pawn.
Thus, you, yourself, must write the code for the box pawn to find this location.
Once you put the code into the box pawn, the box pawn will find the location itself.

Iā€™ve tried everything, if itā€™s possible show me in Blueprint.