Steamworks - Failing to Find DLLs

Thank you for clarifying. Development build will serve purpose for now; Thank you for such great support! I’m already loving this engine :]

Thanks to Josh’s guidance, I want also to share my today’s accomplishment, my first custom blueprint node ever :smiley:

I want to use Blueprints as much as possible and even for a complete C++ novice like me was simple to create a link between Steam API and Blueprints:

how add -game inside editor? If i add path to .uproject file and -game as command line options to UE4Editor.exe, then game run immediately instead of editor. Couldn’t find any command line editbox inside editor.

I am running into some issues integrating steam into my game. I would be helpful if it could get it to run in the editor so I could more easily debug it.

  if (bEnableSteam)
         bEnableSteam = IsRunningDedicatedServer() || IsRunningGame();

I saw this in a previous comment, but I can not find this code anywhere in my project. If anyone could point me in the right direction I would appreciate that!

That is located inside of


Inside FOnlineSubsystemSteam::IsEnabled() function.

Can someone please clarify where the appid is being generated? And Where i should be putting it? Im sorry Im an Artist with a lot of knowledge on programming but im in no way an expert…So this networking is all very new to me. Thanks in advanced guys :slight_smile:

Follow back through the thread a little bit.

You will see that the appid is specified in DefaultEngine.ini


It defaults to 480 which is Valve’s “test” app id, but you will need to get your own id before shipping. If this value is set, then the code will create a steam_appid.txt file at launch before initializing Valve’s APIs. If you have Steam warnings/errors in your logs, compare them to what is in the thread already and then post here and I’ll try to get you straightened out.

Did anyone ever figure out why it works building for Development but not Shipping? I’m seeing this issue and can’t get past it. 4.10.1.

I believe they’ve never fixed the issue with Shipping build mode.