State Machine / Blendspace Philosophy

strafing right = I would assume left foot stays in front
strafing left = I would assume right foot stays in front


I am absolutely confident that it should blend well, that is how I do it :). The only reason I put that qualifier there is because of the variable way animations can be authored. Generally my side strafes are a 50/50 blend between complete side stepping and running forward. Looking at my animations, the hips and feet don’t necessarily stay pointing straight ahead, but they don’t turn 90 degrees to the side either. It looks close to a 45 degree rotation towards the direction he is running to me. 45 degrees to the left when running left and 45 to the right when running right. The back angles still won’t look perfect using 4 directions, and one side will always be worse than the other but assuming the animations are authored with care it should be passable. You can of course add inbetween anims as you go still. I recommend capturing all different kinds of runs while you have it setup in case you change your mind.

When polishing up your animations, try and make sure the feet travel roughly the same distance in all directions and that they are also at the same point in their cycle (foot contacts floor, rotates, lifts up, passes other foot ect. on exact same frames) and you should be good to go.

Hug I want to give ya a Hug, thanks for taking the time to provide all this insight.

With that said I just got the studio setup again, we will start recording Monday.Seems like there is a lot of little things to remember and do, not all are easily achieved either however we are definitely armed with a lot more knowledge this time around. With any luck this will start us down the path of finalized animations.

Thanks Again For Your Patience!

I just wanted to provide an update while I have a minute.

So all those things combined and it looks brilliant, the blending of almost every animation and direction is just outstanding now. Granted I can spend a lot longer on just cleaning up animations but the way in which they blend is what I was focusing on that hips / feet transitioning.

When we recorded we captured all 8 directions not just 4, however once we put it all together I only needed 1 diagonal axis direction of backwards + left to fill up any transitions of where the hips / feet turn over. Really all the timing, framing, foot placement, dominant foot start/end etc all really blending it well. In fact I want to say the real kicker is the going right, left foot in front and going left, right foot in front. You just cant blend better than that setup. Going to a more dominant one side or the other causes extra pivots in which the hips/feet must turn over and transition.

So once again thanks for sticking with me and your patience its paying off. I dunno maybe I will try and piece it all together in a tutorial video give something back, but it seems sorta cheesy if I did.

Yeah it would be assume to see a video/screenshots of the final setup @OSIAS


Glad that you got everything looking good together!

Michael Noland

Hi Oasis,
I have been reading these post to help myself understand issues I may run into down the road. I wanted to say thank you. This thread has helped me understand 2d blend spaces better.

You may have solved the back right and front left movement issues.
What I saw from the video to me it seems if the back right is blended to much with the right. If you blended it heavier to the back I think the footing will look and feel more realistic.

Here after I get my anim assets ready I will show you what im working on and any advise from anyone with my project will be great!