space between actors

it did not work

I can’t guess what the problem is. You have to give some info.

What didn’t work?

Have you made the function?

i did everything in both pictures.
problem is mine actors do not show up

Can you paste the code here? ( function and the main graph ).

i may find the problem.

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So close! :slight_smile:

Connect here


because we will put the mesh, if the location is NOT used :slight_smile:

See my original

hello i tried it. but i still do not want to work.

what can i do with my code. To make to actors have space.

Did you set ‘distance float’?

That the distance you want to keep between them. Set it to something like 200.

it still do not want to work

What are you getting now?

Did you set ‘number to spawn’ to something?

yes to 100 and still i don’t see anything

I’m gonna send you a project… ( hold on )

Hej. I continue code tomorrow. reason is it becoming to late for me. I will see tomorrow

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i can’t open you file. I tried but it unwilling to open

What happens?

i do not know. i tried to open it.
it says i can’t for some reason.

i need make that type of game. I all i need to make mine actors have a space between them. tried your code. But it still wont work.
Exempel - Prototyp.mkv (5.8 MB)

Tomorrow is my last day. I need to deliver my projekt to my teachers.

This is exactly the kind of thing you can make with it.

I wonder if it’s windows ( or your antivirus ) that’s stopping you.

Can you give me a picture of the error?

it says.
the file cannot be accessed because it is being used by another process