Sound Cue - Restart mutes Sound Loop

Updated to 4.14.2 and the problem is still there, happening exactly as described before. The PlaySound2d behavior seems to be fixed (not 100% sure) but not the Audio sources playing at the start of the map.

Can you provide me with some screenshots or steps on how you have your’s setup?

I verified this issue in the release branch specified and it worked on my end.


I have tested my initial reproduction with Unreal Engine 4.14.2 and can confirm that the issue is still unresolved.
Do you want me to send you the reproduction project? Are you interested in chatting with me on Skype?
I’ll do anything to help you fix this issue. Please contact me.

You can just attach the project in your response. I am downloading the original test project to verify that as well. I did verify this in a development stream and not the official 4.14.2 hotfix.

I can confirm it occurs in the test project I provided in the original report. I think what happened is that the issue was also being reported on another internal project and the fix went in for that issue, and just never made it over to the 4.14.2 hotfix.

I have re-opened the report so our engineers can get it resolved.



Screenshot attached. In this example the thing that’s probably different is the fact that in this case it happens for AmbientSound actor (meaning the audio source contained within starts by itself, not played by our code logic). The sound concurrency is StopFarthestThenOldest but I don’t expect it to be a problem, since this happens right on map load and there should be no concurrency conditions happening there.

It happens with other maps as well, they are all similar in setup and I can safely say it happens to all of them (randomly, some maps might play the background sound (selected in the screenshot), others won’t until I resume the game once.

Thanks for getting back to it!

Tested the game a bit more. It seems that the only sounds we can’t hear after the fix, are the ones created as AmbientSound Actors. All other sounds (either played by game logic or as sound sources inside custom actors) seem to be playing correctly now.

Hello Andrew, just uploaded the simple reproduction from my initial report:
Dropbox - File Deleted (800mb zip)

  • Start: Looped sound cue that is placed in level is audible
  • Click on the ground: level is paused and restarted
  • After Reload: Sound is not running anymore

Please let me know when you have accessed it :slight_smile:

Hey ,

So there is actually no need for another repro project, as the verification to make sure the bug was in the 4.14.2 hotfix was done incorrectly. This was my mistake and we are working to get it resolved as soon as we can. We have missed the deadline for the 4.14.3 hotfix release, but I will make sure it gets integrated and verified for an upcoming release.

Apologies for the inconvenience, as this does not usually happen. We had some internal projects that were experiencing the same issue, so the bug was originally entered for those which is where it was essentially verified, instead of the branch for the hotfix release. In any case, we are aware that it is still occurring and we are looking at getting it fixed soon.

Thanks for your patience and your willingness to share the test projects. I will return here once I have verified the issue is fixed for its associated release.

Thank you,

4.15 fixes this, thanks!