So Unreal Engine can do games... but what about..?

sure it can do all that but ask yourself this,
would you download a propper huge (100mb+) calculator that will only run on (a small handful of) the very latest and most powerful devices at a really low framerate, even if it did look bling?

I see what your getting at tegleg, and youā€™re right, but then again for personal use on a desktop machine, having a huge resource hungry app is actually preferable to me :slight_smile:

Iā€™d much rather explorer.exe actually use more of my GPU, and show me a fully 3D game like environment for managing my files.
or a calc app that had the backend apiā€™s connected to wolfram alpha,
or indeed a notepad that was fully customizable with fancy transitions and animation.

I guess its down to if you are trying to make money, or just make something for yourself.

Then itā€™s better you make your own custom engine for that since UE4 is full of code that is not needed for a calculator.

Do a webgl calculator instead.

Yes and it would be EPIC

The question shouldnā€™t be ā€œCan I makeā€¦ā€, but ā€œShould I makeā€¦ā€ Just because something CAN be done, does not mean it SHOULD be done. UE4 seems like waaaay overkill for a calculator, or any ohter utility type mobile app. There are far better and more efficient solutions for something like that.

can i make a chemistry app in which i ad one element and another element to form a third element and if i can add more then 2 element to form the third element!!

In software development, the question of ā€œcan youā€¦ā€ is usually followed with ā€œyesā€