So Steam Direct backfired again, can't say some of us didn't tell you so.

Call of Duty is doing fine on Steam, it’s games like that or GTAV which has been in the top 10 for like 2 years which would hurt them the most if they wanted to put some pressure on Valve to do something about the problems with Steam. EA has games on there, the issue is that they won’t allow EA’s games on there when they require Origin which is all of their latest games. The 30% cut isn’t based on their needs of supporting Steam, it’s mostly for profit

That’d be fine probably, but the main issue still is that Valve needs to stop bad games from showing up on their store, and that’s not going to happen unless they review each game before it goes up.

lol, this i can get on board with! i guess i missed your point on that, but, yeah i agree 30% for distributions on a digital level is pretty terrible.

Besides Steam, are there other options? options i would certainly check out. I dont mean an indie board where we post up to 2,000 users and hope for the best.
Steams coverage is amazing, tho, that doesnt matter when your title gets buried under countless other asset flips.
If i could release to a “steam like” front, i would do it in a heartbeat.


looked up via google, and, everyone is 25%-30%
There are some that are lower, like 10% or less, but traffic is terrible there.
Steam (as of 2015) had 125 million users, and im sure thats gone way up since 2015.
It looks like you are looking to lose ~30% off the top with anyone you go to.

I checked into Origin to see if they allow releases from the public, and, i dont see anyplace that allows such (or even contact about it).
Microsoft Marketplace/Store/Apps (you know, the annoying built in one to the OS) is like $20 one time fee per item with 0% cut, but, i dont know how much traffic runs in there. i think i have been in there maybe 2 times? Only because my son asked me to play Minecraft with him on his xbox and i had a PC version (they are cross platform).

ugh … i think we are doomed with the 30% cut

Valve is already taking their 30%, a $4000-5000 fee would be unfair (especially since most “smaller” games don’t even sell enough to cover those fees). I agree, Steam gets tons of crappy games (especially bad horror games), but I think a $500 entry fee would be more suitable. Too much for the 14 yrs old’s first PT clone, and reasonable enough for people serious about their games.

Dude’s, it’s so easy to make your own website and sell your own games. If you can make your own game you can host a website trust me. Why does everyone flock to Steam? You can literally build your own site and sell games for less than $100, what are you doing giving $100 and %30? This isn’t 2010 it’s 2017 when making a website takes minutes.

Because your website isnt functional
Because you have 0 investors on your funding page
Because e-commerce costs money lol … you think they will do all your transactions free? i can assure you Visa and Mastercard wont.
Because i dont want to mess with other peoples money and returns and complaints and hacks … and being hacked … and paying for secure lines for such things.
Because even Paypal takes money
“If you are a merchant or business that uses PayPal to accept payments from your customers and clients, then PayPal takes 2.9 percent of the payment plus 30 cents per transaction before putting the money in your account. This fee is only on the business side of the transaction; the customer isn’t charged anything.”
Because steam has over 125 MILLION users

+100 more reasons

The reason Steam is popular for developers, is because it sells games. A game that is selling well on Steam, for the number of page views it gets, will get showcased more on Steam. If the game continues to sell, it gets suggested, featured, and listed, more and more. It’s basically a snowball effect. The marketing and advertising Steam will do within it’s own store is enough to make up for that 30% IF your game can get and maintain a high percentage of purchases per page view. Also there’s a decent number of PC gamers that use Steam as their game library, and are much less likely to purchase anything outside of it.

I own 3 software companies thanks. Wordpress has Securi. Good luck with your miserable self.

You own 3 companies and cant afford a computer or paying off your student loans?
That’s weird.

I checked into them, and, its a self-serve site.

" costs nothing to use. You are free to create pages and upload your content without ever having to pay anything. Advertisements will never be placed on any of your pages.

You get to decide how much you want to support by choosing what percentage of your sales should go towards our operational costs and continued development of the platform. We call that open revenue sharing."

It doesnt look like they have much traffic, and, the traffic they do have only spends a few moments on the site. I think its like 2.3 pages per user clicked.
Stats: Amazon Alexa

I think the steam vs. other sales, the 30% becomes a non-issue since its sheer amount of possible sales far outweighs the 30% loss.

I just graduated, top of my class. $16,000 in student loans. I’ll own a profitable stock photo site, a music production company, an animation studio and a video game company by 2019. Just resigned from a profitable fintech company to start my own projects. I’ve owned and ran profitable companies before.

You always attack complete strangers with zero knowledge about them?

That’s weird. Good job insulting people in industry, that’ll get you far. Definitely the kind of reputation you want to leave behind.

Well aren’t you the bullshitter. Do you own a space station too?

My uncle was an animator for Disney, he animated on Toy Story. He’s my lead animator
My photo stock site is live
My videogame is functional and ready for alpha
I’ve recorded, engineered, produced and shot video for albums for successful bands before and my recording software is in beta with Java Sound Tech.

Real good job boys, keep insulting me and destroying your reputation. Exactly what you want to do to people connected in industry.

Walt Disney was my great grandfather, and I’m now the one running the company. I’m not really impressed by your uncle, he was quite lazy at work.

lol is all … looking to fact check this is all.
your uncle is the lead animater for your game? god i hope not man, those asset animations are bad and from the marketplace. Whats his name, i would love to fact check that bit on the Disney animations for Toy Story.
photo stock site? really? site please.
video game is NOT functional as it isnt even alpha as per your own site, live in 2019, beta starts DEC 2018 … you are a year out.
please provide the information on the video, i would love to see your work with successful bands that you have produced. also whats the java sound tech beta software you have?
Connected in the industry? with who?
I know the team from CoD, doesn’t make me connected or have any influence on the market. I find that those that need to push their self-given “power” really just don’t have any at all.

Also, your 3 companies have an EIN i can check on for legitimizing the company(s) you own ?

This is gold black comedy guys please don’t stop!! I was laughing so hard!

yet has refused any ability to fact check and provide 1 answer to any of the “facts” he provided.

– ok im done, sorry for the derail there …

Yep, no point in debating with a liar with self-esteem issues.

The idea that a higher Steam Direct fee would stop low quality games has no basis in reality. $500-1000 fee would only hurt indies with small budgets, not shovelware devs that are raking in tons of cash for asset flips.

Actual devs are too busy spending that money on actual development, while shovelware devs have no such constraints.

The real issue is that Steam is taking too high a cut given they don’t provide any real marketing.