Smooth Sync: Sync your Transforms Smoothly across the network

Yes, its turned off

Time Smoothing increasing didn’t help(

I’m not as familiar with Unreal’s built in networking as I probably should be…but I believe AddMovementInput with the CharacterController does networked things that you probably don’t want here. I believe it’s sending the input over the network and then applying it on the server. You may want to try a different movement method that only executes and applies the movement locally, so that Smooth Sync can take care of the networking part.

Ok, thank you! I will try to do it and write about the result here.

I disabled all controlling nodes and tried to add just “Add World Offset”.

Same problem


Yes yes, my mistake, it was on the marketplace questions page…I found the issue -I think- the EasyFM “Easy Flight Model” plugin had
EasyFM rep
this which somehow was conflicting with smoothsync :smile:

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Sorry for the lacking response, I’m really not sure what is causing that issue and I’m not sure what the best way to get more info to help you is. It really looks to me like something is fighting with Smooth Sync, but I don’t see what it could be with your setup.

Generally what I recommend for mysteries like this is to try and recreate the problem starting from one of the built in project templates, that way you can let me know the exact steps to recreate the issue so I can investigate.

Barring that, the only other way I’m going to be able to investigate is if you send me your entire project, or a stripped down version that demonstrates the issue.

Sorry I don’t have a more straight-forward answer for you.

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Hello @, are you working on a solution to this problem? You can offer your own solution (Turning the head behind the camera) if mine does not work. Waiting for your reply.

Are you using two separate Smooth Sync component instance? You should have one to sync the root scene object and separate ones to sync each parts that need syncing via SetSceneComponentToSync.

Some vars are replicated to rotate mesh both on server and client, and my collision box is rotation-fixed. While using the plugin, I find that vars will be right on server, but always be constant on any clients, and mesh cannot roll at all. what’s more, if I launch character, the character just be stuck , however, jump work well. any help plz.

for every frames, I set relative rotation of mesh, never rotate capsule, then find that mesh is fixed. If I choose to open"Use Controller Yaw", and stop rolling mesh ,it will work fine, but I hope to seperate lower body and upper body, using a step to rotate to right oriention under idle state.

It does not work, but I sent a video using several methods.

I successed fix some issues, yet I found it still hard to use “launch character” simultaneously

Sorry but I don’t see a solution and I’m unsure when I would get the time to dig deeper into this. I’m always happy to give a refund so just let me know.
It seems like maybe you are trying to sync something that isn’t a SceneComponent’s transform? Smooth Sync is trying to sync a SceneComponent’s transform currently so it looks like that may need to change. I don’t think Smooth Sync is blocking it, I think Smooth Sync is just not syncing it. Thank you for letting us know.

You are saying your character isn’t moving at all on non-owners but it is on owners? Take a look at SmoothSync.SetSceneComponentToSync() and use it to sync your specific SceneComponent in BeginPlay() that you want to sync.

The plugin is great, but just wanted to sync character head rotation for multiplayer. Thanks for your reply.

the issue persists for UE 4.27.2

UATHelper: Packaging (Linux): ERROR: Missing precompiled manifest for ‘SmoothSyncPlugin’. This module was most likely not flagged for being included in a precompiled build - set ‘PrecompileForTargets = PrecompileTargetsType.Any;’ in to override.

steps that work for me:

  1. Create “Plugins” folder in your project
    For example: C:\Users\Emrich\Documents\Unreal Projects\MySuperGame\Plugins
  2. Copy SmoothSync plugin from C:\Programs\Epic Games\UE_4.2X\Engine\Plugins\Marketplace\SmoothSync
    To C:\Users\Emrich\Documents\Unreal Projects\MySuperGame\Plugins
  3. Uninstall SmoothSync plugin from Epic- Engine version → It is necessary because of duplicate plugins error
  4. Rebuild your project in Visual studio MySuperGame.sln

but we will lose the automatic plugins update :confused:

I am already seeing SmoothSyncPlugin.Build.cs as having the following in 4.27.2 when I download the latest from the Marketplace:
“PrecompileForTargets = PrecompileTargetsType.Any;”

Try removing Smooth Sync and getting the latest version from the Marketplace to see if that gets it back to working. Let me know how it goes. Thank you.

update group hits my problem.
I solve it by always updating sync after physic update, perhaps before? I had forgot.
hope my experience could help.
thanks and best wishes.

How do you sync another actor that you want to attach to a component on your pawn? I have a helicopter (that’s also using smoothsync for movement) with a sling load hook that is supposed to be able to pick up a container. I’ve set up the load attachment point to be synced by a its own smooth sync component, and to be connected to the body of the helicopter with a physics constraint. If you’re the one flying it, it looks correct, but if you’re another player it’s not synced.

I’ve tried a bunch of combinations of adjusting “replicates movement” and “component replicates” on the load attachment point and the container itself. And also tried doing the attachment on the server, multicast, and just the owning client. Also sometimes releasing the load sometimes teleports everything to the world origin.