and you actually did the 2nd It’s nothing to be ashamed as normally you should extend level blueprint via C++ in this case, but if you go blueprint only you need to do hacks like that
It’s one way of doing, it tick can be used to wait for condition and it’s normal as all wait features in UE4 work that way as entire engine cycles, but agree 2nd solution is better in this case.
Thanks. I will try it out tomorrow.
I have created a day/night system with working clock using a level blueprint, because it is the easiest way to reference skylight, sun and so on.
I also created an event to speed up the time and therefore day until a certain in-game hour. I wanted to speed it up from a widget, to simulate the first person character “sleeping” for as many hours as the player wants to. During the sleep time accelerates and certain parameters are restored.
Accelerating the time by pressing key works, but I wanted more granular and interactive control.
It worked that way Thanks