Simple Scatter Plugin

Hello - I think the plugin is absolutely great, it gives you fantastic possibilities for landscape design (Peru Mountains Version 05 02 - YouTube) - I currently have a project where I need an animated audience. Is there a way instead of using a StaticMeshActor to use a BlueprintClassActor?

Hi there, I love the flexibility and power of this plugin.

I’m using it in UE5 for rendered cinematics, so while I’m punching against the limitations of the engine, performance isn’t an issue.

I appear to have discovered that if I have an 8k landscape scaled up past 200, the simple scatter no longer works on it. Scale it down, works just fine.
Is there a hardcoded limitation built into the code, or is this an engine issue?
Any thoughts?

Hey there, is this working in UE5 yet? Keen to upgrade some of my projects from Early Access but am worried the simple scatter plugin won’t work.

Hi, sorry, I somehow missed your question. I will try to reproduce it as soon as I can and let you know what I find out. There’s no reason this should not work. Only possibility I can think of is that I am using just single precision floating point numbers in the plugin, not doubles.

Yep. There’s official UE5 version on the Marketplace already.

Hi, I bought the plugin but I can’t open it through the UE4 editor created by the developers of the game Tip of the Spear: Task Force Elite. Do you have any idea what might be going on? Does the plugin need anything else besides the files in the Marketplace folder?

The plugin is guaranteed to only work with vanilla UE4 installation. The mod kits are usually altered versions of the editor, which may not have all the necessary components. Please contact me though the mail address you can find on my marketplace profile seller page and I will ask marketplace staff to issue you a refund.


I am having troubles with an open world game. When I create the world it inherently uses world partition. When I go to apply simplescatter to the landscape it says I cannot due to ‘Landscape has unsupported collision channel. Requires bock response to world static’.

I am following your guide and under landscape I have selected BlockAll. WorldStatic is greyed out but selected. When i try to scatter on the individual landscape partitions (the landscapestreamingproxy in open world modes) they successfully scatter on a single part of the grid.

I was wondering if there is a fix for this so I can scatter across the entire map at once. Thanks.


when I created the plugin originally, I did not do with with streaming proxies in mind. It was supposed to be just for regular landscapes and static meshes. I will try to add streaming proxy support at some point, but I am not yet sure when that will be. So unfortunately I can only offer the same answer as above - if you mail me at the email address you can find on my marketplace seller profile page, I can get marketplace staff to issue you a refund. I’d not like you to have your money wasted if the plugin doesn’t work for you.

I won’t ask for a refund. But I hope you can add support for the streaming landscapes. It seems to be the future for big maps so it would be great if your plugin worked. Specifically I would like the splat map function to work across the streaming landscapes… In my head it seems somewhat straightforward, but I am not a professional with c++/blueprints in unreal engine and perhaps I need to slice my splat map up before I make the map and attach them individually to the proxies. Would take a long time though.

Good luck with upgrading it I await it eagerly.

Hello again. Not much happening on this support page as I am asking two questions in a row. Must be a good sign the plugin is working for people haha.

I am writing because I was wondering if it would be possible to include an option for custom spline integration with the plugin. I would like to use a spline I get from another program - the spline comes from blender where I do my world building.

It would be great if I could use the spline I get from blender and just plug it into the spline actor so I don’t have to manually build the spline(s). It’s just a regular spline actor in Unreal so I don’t think this would be too hard to do?

It should not be hard to do. I will try to implement it as soon as I have some free time. I am just not sure how to handle it in the UI yet.

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Legend! That would be great.


I was wondering if there was any movement on putting custom splines in the limit distribution panel?

I currently have trees spawning on my roads and rivers and to fix this I have to recreate all my splines with your tool set. This isn’t an efficient use of time and I can only assume it shouldn’t be too hard to drag a duplicate of the spline into your system to have it convert to on of your C++ splines.



I still have some work obligations till the end of summer, but I plan to spend significant amount of time updating the plugin sometime in september. I believe at the very least, I should be able to implement custom spline support and proper landscape proxy support in that time.

Other than that, I’d like to also add ability to add/replace objects selected in the viewport in the scatter surfaces list, and add scatter surfaces mode where instead of having to pick scatter surfaces manually, the scatter would place instances on all surfaces contained within the user specified box volume.

Hi @Rawalanche - great plugin, and really powerful!

Do you think you would be able to compile the current version to 5.1? I am currently copying the plugin folder to each Project and compiling on launch, however I am having some issues when deploying the game - see attached, unless there is another workaround? Thanks, and keep up the good work!

I definitely plan to release 5.1 version, but I can only do that as soon as the final, non-preview one is out. It’s not possible for me to support preview versions unfortunately, nor does the Marketplace portal allow me to even publish 5.1 version yet.

Thanks! Thought this might be the case, but thought I should ask anyway. Simple Scatter + Nanite Foliage is a serious combination

Hi - Is there any way to get the distribution material to use a material instance, rather than a master material? I have a setup where i have quite a complicated material setup to get the masking right, and will be an extremely tedious job to setup for each material. Screenshot Attached

Right now not unfortunately. I’ve made the change to support material instances quite a while ago, but realized that changing the UI element type to one that support them has erased the original data. This meant that all the users updating to new version would get their existing material slots cleared to empty.

I will try to ask on UDN if there’s any way to make it backwards compatible, and try again.

To save yourself some time, I’d suggest placing pretty much all of the contents that are supposed to be shared between the materials into a material function, and then creating material parameters inside that function. Changing them inside the function should then propagate the changes to all the materials which use that function.

I’ve shown that workflow in one of the videos linked above:

The video shows multiple scatters using different distribution materials being controlled by changes of single material function. So in your case, if what varies between the material is just the texture, then I’d wrap everything into a material function and give it a function input for the texture. The texture would then be unique for each material, but changes to the material node network which processes the texture would be shared across all of the materials, as long as the node network is inside the material function.