Silly Soccer

Loving all the updates! Keep it up. This one makes me smile with the craziness and the animation! :slight_smile:

Love the animations, watched it half a dozen times already, more awesome animation for me.

Have another update!

Fantastique :wink:

Not much new to show lately, mainly been working on HUD logic and other boring stuff. But started to add one new powerup! placeholder asset etc…zzz

Best game EVER !!

More work on the rocket powerup ! Next I will do an art pass on a lot of stuff, first up is grass and the soccer field :slight_smile:

This is amazing :smiley:

Working on some of dat grass

This looks hilarious, i bet the multiplayer is fun with friends

So funny

hey great fun game I like the animations and the funny music, keep on! :slight_smile:
I’m curious what powerups do you want to add next?

I am open for any suggestions!

Not dead!

Still working on this when I have the time, at the moment I am working on the room you spawn in before you choose what team to play on. Got animated NPCs in it as well :slight_smile:

Love it!! Can’t wait to see this progress more!


had my first playtest over the internet today :slight_smile: and I now have a long list of stuff to fix :smiley: but all the basic stuff works, so really happy with that.

some pics and video:

got a superbasic server browser going


Let me know if you want to help out testing!

:smiley: funny!!!

Hi Pampers. Cute Character. Looks like fun. For some unknown reason, Silly Soccer reads to me as Socc’em Silly.

Hello again!

More testing today, trying out more power-ups

A rocket got stuck in the shower

We had a corner flag fight!

I lost

we also kicked the ball a few times and scored some sweet goals


Fixed a lot of bugs lately, and I’ve started adding sound fx to a lot of stuff. I also added the ability to run around with the ball. Take a look in the video below :slight_smile:


Hi again!

Added a new type of power-up that changes the soccer field, snow material is placeholder atm, and sorry for potato recording quality
