ShowFPS Problems! (How to make ShowFPS NOT FLIPFLOP???)

Super clear, I’ll test immediately! Give me a few minutes I’ll get back then.

I gotta do dinner now, but if my answers help, please mark them as answered. If not, I’ll check back late tonight.

If I close the Widget, the correct checkbox value loads in.

But then I am forced to change the checkbox and hit apply TWICE just to change the visibility of the FPS. AND it now flip flops :\

This is a problem because I have this in my main menu and game map. If I change levels, I have to re-create the Widget.

^I guess because I don’t save the Is FPSCounter Visible In Game Bool right?

Right, I made a little mistake. The boolean needs to be set also right away when the loading happens.

Also, this widget needs to be spawned as soon as a level loads (you can make it invisible, but the event construct needs to run).

Here’s the updated code:

Now it starts enabled (FPS on) and I’m not making my checkbox start enabled.

It could be enabled because a variable was saved as enabled before. Make sure in your “save” function, that you delete any previously saved value before writing it out.
Hope that helps!
Could you mark one of my comments as “answered”?

Well I did delete all of my save files and variables…still it is starting enabled :\

What are the values of your bools? Checkbox and IsVisible?

If you click on the checkbox in UMG, is the “Checked State” set to “unchecked” or “checked”? (it needs to be unchecked by default.
Also make sure the boolean is 0 by default.

UMG checkbox is unchecked, as well as my Boolean.

I did some more debugging…I’m having a problem with Load…

I Create my widget everytime so it always wants to flip flop whether FPS is on or off, without updating the save Bool or the checkbox. How do we fix this?

Maybe I was getting comiple errors before and this might solve?

After debugging, I think the only problem that persists:

  1. If checkbox loads up as checked, it will flip flop if I keep opening and closing the widget.

There has to be a better way than this to turn FPS on at startup of the widget.