Setting Up a Blueprint MIDI Manager with 4.14 version of MIDI Device Support Plugin

How you get the actors is up to you. If they’re all the same class, then you can Get All Actors By Class. For me, the Interface meant I could send messages to all Actors regardless of Class and let them sort out which message belonged to which.

You can learn more about Interfaces here:

For guys that loose midi events after 1-2 minutes. Don`t forget to store Midi Device into a variable.

Hello, I want to bind events on some midi input
But I could not find any midi events like keyboard events to bind events to. Can you please help? I am desperate.

There is currently only one Event to bind, it spits out generic MIDI data along with some parsed data, but if you’re looking for anything out of the ordinary, you’ll want to parse it yourself.

Hello everyone, hello !

I followed your BP and got my device recognized.
But I can’t get the OnMIDIevent to fire anything.

I put a Print after it and it’s not working.
I also put a print right after the “Bind to event” and it’s good, all is assigned properly.

Not sure what is happening, it could be my understanding of MIDI devices…

A Novation Launch Controller XL is plugged to UBS, Ableton is closed. Just UE4 is open.

The idea was for me to print all the stats and assign them as you did, but it’s not firing up.
It’s like the ONMIDIevent was not working at all.

The Controller is well recognized and works properly in Ableton.

Aren’t just pressing pad or turning knobs supposed to fire MIDI datas?

(FYI the goal for me right now is to be able to control parameters in UE4 using the Controller.)

Thank you,

Make sure you’re binding the correct device/port. Sometimes devices with a lot of MIDI traffic can have multiple ports.

Cool that works!

I was Binding to "MIDIIN2(Launch Control XL)
And I had to use “Launch Control XL”

This is quite confusing as there is actually 2 “Launch Control XL” one with ID 4 and another with ID 1…

Are there interesting stuff do do with MIDIOUT2?
Is it usable? I guess it’s to send UE4 events to MIDI to something like Ableton?

Thank You !
Looking forward to show what is cooking :stuck_out_tongue:

Is there a way to send back MIDI to a (Hardware) controller?

I would like to be able to change LED color/intensity on Toggle/continuous on the Controller

If plugged to UE4, the pad on the Novation LC XL are not lit.
Pressing them triggers events in UE4 but nothing is visible on the hardware.

If plugged to Ableton (only) The pads change colors depending of status etc…

This makes it very impractical to check the status of a Pad/button.
I can’t make a UI because the screen is for the Audience.

I have no idea where to start. Is it even possible?

A question in relation to optimization and correct (logical) setup:

Controllers IDs:
As these represent each buttons/knobs and I have 56…
**Where will be the best spot to “switch on strings” **(I use strings, as IDs start are a weird ranges. 13>20 29>36 105>108 etc…) (and not switch on integer)

, you set up your Event Dispatchers (Transmits) just after the Note is ON/OFF/Controller changes etc… (So you have 7 kinds)
So in your case I would have to Switch on string where the E.Dispatch is called. (So ending up duplicating these in many places)

Wouldn’t it be better to create the MANY(56) E.Dispatcher after the Switch on String results? (one for each IDs)
Like this, it’s all in one Master BP in the level that distribute the Events Dispatcher?

At the moment, the MIDI implementation is for input support only. I would love to see MIDI output support so we can transmit MIDI events to my devices and synthesizers though. I think Blueprints is really fun to program in and it would be cool to make some procedural music systems in BP and have them control my hardware.

In general, we would like to revisit the MIDI implementation entirely. I have heard some good things about Open Sound Control implementations, but I haven’t tried them personally (all 3rd party stuff). Might be worth looking into if you need some more i/o for the time being.

As far as event dispatchers, I didn’t want to over define how my BPs were going to use or parse the information, so I just packaged the CCs into a single Event. That allowed my receiving BPs to deal with that information however they want.

Hey guys I’m confused and new to the MIDI world. Is there a way to get the note being played by the keyboard/midi device in unreal? Figured it out, it was the Controller ID which gives you the number of the key pressed and hence the note. Made a table to translate the key num to note.

A follow up question about MIDI>>> Event Dispatchers.
I put it in a separated toptic as it’s a more about Blueprints/workflow question:


I might be missing something obvious since I am new to Blueprint programming, but from where do you get the Midi Listener interface from?
When I search in that dropdown there is no suck element. Is it a custom actor or did you create a c++ interface somewhere?

You need to add the MIDI Input Device plugin to your project, located in the Input Device section of the Plugins menu.

Hi all,
Using this plug in, it’s amazing I love it. I was just wondering is there some way to read MIDI tempo somehow?
I’m not that familiar with working with MIDI, so I am unsure if this is actually a property that exists, but surely it must?
As a plan B I guess I could have a dummy metronome MIDI input and reverse engineer the BPM that way, however that’s not ideal.
I hope this post is relevant to this thread.

MIDI output would be awesome if you could send transport data, So sequencer playback could be synced to a DAW.

Hey everyone who has contributed to this. Thanks so much for the awesome work!
I’m pretty new to midi, and very rusty on UE4, so please have patience :slight_smile:
I am trying to build a simple game like to help my daughter practice drums.
We have a affordable electric drum set, and I have managed to assign each drum hit to play a sound in UE4.
This was a bit harder than expected, because the drum sends 3 events on each hit, and I had to use a combination of two of those events to identify each drum.

The problem I’m having right now is LATENCY
There is about half a second delay between me hitting the drum, and hearing the sound.
Any ideas on how to address this?

Lower the buffer size on your soundcard if it already uses asio drivers, or download asio4all if it doesn’t.

I’m trying too setting MIDI output events to my devices.
Is there any change for that in recent UE Builds ?

I’ve found the marketplace procedural midi plugin which does output event.
Any chances to get that mainstream ?