I wasn’t getting an error message, rather the actor would not appear at all in recordings. In sequence editor, i clicked on the “plus” track icon of that actor and selected “Actor hidden in game” which created an option “Visibility” checkbox. By default it was ticked “ON” so when I pressed record, my actor appeared. three days of frustration over that issue, not sure if its the same, but equally as annoying.
this is still happening as the end of 2022, I spent a lot of time to fix this issue, and finally I found it. my solution is; delete the saved folder in project folder and problem will gone! Hope this will help you.
the above post about deleting the Saved folder works! Thank you!
I just had Unreal crash while trying to use a Control Rig layer, and now several sequences, even ones I have not touched in days, have a bunch of random tracks missing their bindings now. I don’t see an option to “assign actor” to these tracks in sequencer. And I tried deleting the save folder, and have it make a new one when launched didn’t fix it either. It changed nothing, they are still missing bindings. I have an animation do shortly, and how do you fix this randomly deleting bindings? I cant just rebuild this whole animation and the elements from scratch.
Edit: Well luckily I didn’t just ‘delete’ the saved folder as suggested above, but moved it. Because I was able to find an autosave of the sequence in there, and that worked in restoring it.
It worked for me. I found last good autosave and change it in content folder with last bug save. Thanks a lot, you saved me hours of suffer and work
I had the same problem and I managed to solve it. Reassigning actors didn’t work for me. So I simply deleted the ‘Camera Cuts’ that is having issues, and added new camera cut. Then bound it with exhisting ‘Cine Camera Actor’.
Deleting the save folder don’t fix my issue. Deleting the Camera cuts worked but my character actor still missing.
LATE BUT ANSWER FOR ME was just dragging and dropping the Camera Actor that was missing into the blank/missing Cut box.
At some point in my messing with creating keyframes and adjusting parameters, I had simply slipped up somewhere and ticked off the LockView or dragged something to another spot by mistake. I simply did Undo until I felt safe, and dragged the CameraActor that should’ve been in the missing box in it. Everything else worked and none of the previous keyframe moves I had made were affected.
I had the same problem. I tried a bunch of things, but the one that worked was deleting the level sequence AND the camera and restarting Unreal 5.4.3 again and reopening the level and then adding a cine camera and then creating a new level sequence then dragging the camera into the level sequence to create camera cuts. There is probably a bug somewhere related to the order in which you create a level sequence and a camera cut and create a cinematic camera. I think I created the cine cam after the level sequence for example. I did it in an order or actions today that I usually do not use.