Scene Graph Feedback Thread

  • [Question] What was the decision behind making mesh_component no longer be the base type for static_mesh_component?

  • [Feedback] mesh_component has a var Material: ?material property which is not @editable, therefore it cannot be set in the editor.

  • [Feedback] The same property :point_up: seems to be wrong. A single mesh can have 0-n materials, not 0-1. The creative_prop allows to set 0-n materials on its root mesh via SetMaterial<native><public>(Material: material, ?Index:int = external {})<transacts> :void method. This seems like a bigger oversight. However, I already reported this issue before Scene Graph was even released.

  • :point_up: filed a bug report: Scene Graph `mesh_component.Material` oversights

  • [FEATURE WISH] Please expose GetEntity methods for fort_vehicle and fort_character. Additionally please make sure that fort_vehicle entity is NOT the spawner but the actual vehicle. That way we can apply custom attachments to the vehicle. :tada:

  • [FEATURE WISH] We need a component for a Control Rig asset. While it might be a little bit away, in the meantime at least I hope we can get an actor bridge where we can temporarily attach the CR actor by hand.

  • [FEATURE WISH] When we get access to the player and vehicle entities, could we possibly also the following two capabilities:

    • fetch their mesh or skeletons components and change the scale to be smaller or larger (I would like to make vehicles a little bit smaller to be accurate compared to real world counter parts)
    • the ability to disable the pawn mesh or skeletons altogether in order to replace them with custom meshes (this would enable so many new creative ideas)
  • [FEATURE WISH] This is for the unreleased verse camera APIs. Can the camera APIs receive the capability to apply custom camera shakes?! This is especially important for custom vehicle cameras. Additionally I really hope that custom cameras will not only work on the player pawn like the current early access cameras, but also on vehicles. I’m trying to push vehicle focused maps, it’s a lot of work, but many things are being left out on that front. :confused:

  • [FEATURE WISH] Components that I personally want:

    • spline_component
    • spline_mesh_component
    • instanced_mesh_component
    • hierarchical_instanced_mesh_component
    • skeleton_mesh_component
    • control_rig_component
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