
EDIT: I posted a question yesterday, It was about saving and loading components. I’ve been able to make some progress. I can save components with all their data including collision but I’ve been stuck on loading the components. I’ve noticed that there wasn’t a “Add component by class” node so I couldn’t add the component. I’ve realized that loading components may require c++ which I will learn some point in the future. But please if you have found a way to be able to do something similar like the way you handled loading actors but instead with components then please do share. Below are my structures for my components, the first is the component structure, the second the actor structure using the component structure.
And If You See This Please Let Me Know. Thanks!

I’ve noticed that there wasn’t a “Add
component by class” node so I couldn’t
add the component. I’ve realized that
loading components may require c++
which I will learn some point in the

This is one of the major omissions in blueprints. And apart from some very inflexible hacks there’s little that can be done here, that’s afaik. I believe the last time I had to deal with something like this in BPs, I had each actor hold an additional array of struct:

  • enum: component class (so not a class but an enumerator since class is almost useless as you’ve pointed out)
  • bool: exists
  • bool: should exist

I’d then read the components’ state before saving. When restoring the actor to its saved state, I’d switch on enum and check the bools:

  • if the component exist but it should not, destroy it
  • if the component exists and it should, do nothing
  • of the component does not exist but should, add a component based on the switch (that’s where the inflexibility of this solution comes from)


To be honest, thats what I expected. Could I add the component from either the game instance or from an actor component bp? There isn’t an add component node from either of those. Also, could this be achieved in c++? I don’t need code or anything, just want to know if its possible.

check this. Saving & Loading Your Game In Unreal Engine With C++ - YouTube

Unfortunately, the plugin on epic store no longer works for UE5.1, it doesn’t want to add it to the engine.

Contact the creator, see what they’re up to.

Or look into alternatives:

No problem. thank you and have a nice day !