No they are two separate things. The master item bp is a means of creating an item that has all of the “default code” for every other item you make in game. By making children of that master item all other items will inherit things like the STRUCT with all of the placeholder data and things that all of your items will have in game. It is mainly for optimizing workflow and organization.
Trust me, doing it that way is way easier than having to add all of those variables every time you want to make a new item.
The Items_Destroyed bp is only for storing which items have been destroyed in game and calling them later.
In short, you can’t place the items Destroyed array from the items Destroyed into the master item because then every item would inherit that destroyed data. You put it in a separate Items_destroyed bp because it will track data for ALL items in one place and is separated from the actual item so that it is callable Dynamically from the level blueprint in a single function. Meaning you need only one function to run it rather than creating a function for every item that has been destroyed.
Everything from the first set of instructions that uses the bool isdestroyed is no longer needed because it doesn’t work. You can replace them with the new method.
Also as an added thought, by using a master item, you can call all items in game by casting to bp master item because they all inherit that class making it super easy to find items in the level with in your code. Sorry, I just keep adding stuff to this
where do i cast to master item from, the level bp, save or character?
So far its still not working,this save function doesnt seem to be saving the stuff in my inventory, or saving at all cause i have a test button set up to reopen the level and each time i press it the pring string “no game Slot” pops up and the items are STILL respawning LOL
think I’m either gonna lose my hair or call all this quits its being suck a pain in the ■■■ to get this
Its not saving
I i play it, pick up items, i press button to reopen level and the print string “no Game Slot” pops up and not only does everything respawn again but the stuff i had in my inventory that i picked up is also gone
Are you on windows or mac? On a mac it’s cmd+shift+3. On pc open the program snipping tool, select new and drag the cursor over the area you want to screen shot and then save it as a photo