's Multi-Threaded Dynamic Pathing System, Full Physics Support

Actually the larger the distance the better, as I combine open areas into very very large nodes :slight_smile: Actually serves to reduce the over all node count. Level streaming should automatically work since new pathing volumes that get streamed in will be detected by the primary pathing engine I created, and added to the calculations.

I never assume how many pathing volumes there are and do updates quite frequently. :slight_smile:

I already wrote my own AI editor that gives people per-unit AI control.

Not per class, per instance of that class!

Meaning, you could have two warriors with completely unique AIs

My AI supports individual-unit personality :slight_smile:

And the AI Editor I developed is point and click to use!

I’ve never released a video on system,but am remaking it using my Victory HUD Elements UI Solution for new paid project I am working on.

So I will have more info and videos when I get that all done!

Awesome! Sorry for all the questions, but does it also work with instanced foliage as well? I have a huge forest (made of SpeedTrees) and I really do not want to generate a Navigation Mesh each time I add something… lol it takes forever. Thank you! I really appreciate it! :slight_smile:

My system detects overlaps in addition to blocking collisions, so if those foliage instances have any kind of overlap collision (not necessarily blocking) then yes my navigation system will be constantly updating around those foliage actors :slight_smile:

My system can be made to permanently exclude any actors from collision tests that someone wants to exclude, using just BP.

Congrats glad to see some community members pitch in!

I’ve seen various tools, plugins,integrations, WIPs, prototypes. I’m interested to see what the Victory game entails! haha

Hee hee!

I just last night got it so my AI units will all path to and surround a building that is their chosen target, covering all surface area of the building that is on their ground level :slight_smile:

More videos soon!

[FONT=Comic Sans MS] AI Blows Stuff Up


Everything you see in the video is completely dynamically calculated by me in the C++!

Nothing is pre-scripted!

I do not even tell the AI units what to target when they are spawned!

Everything you see is my own AI system at work

  1. all the pathing is my own pathing system, from scratch

  2. I set up an Alignment system so the AI units know who is friendly and which structures to attack

  3. The AI is told by me to spread out, and keep track of which structures other friendly units are attacking.

maximizes their usefulness to each other, as they cover maximum building surface area!

Meaning, if a new AI unit is trying to pick a target, my AI will try to pick a target that no other friendly in the area is attacking yet.

  1. Each AI unit is keeping track of all nearby friendly units during runtime, dynamically updating its personal list of friendlies every few moments.

means each AI unit is aware of all friendlies at all times, as well as all nearby structures

  1. When a structure is destroyed, each AI unit tries to find a new target

  2. Apex destructibles block the AI pathing, so they try to get around using my dynamic physics pathing system.

  3. Each AI unit is consciously deciding how far to position itself away from the target building for ideal melee range.

  4. Each AI unit is deciding when it is close enough to the surface area of its target structure and then stops moving and begins attacking.

  5. As I said, nothing is pre-arranged, as you saw I ran multiple tests! The AI is spreading and and performing to all my specifications listed above!

  6. Yay! Victory!!!


PS: the sparks are created at the precise point in the animation sequence that I specify, using an anim notify.

anim notify then calls my C++ AI function for doing damage.

So the visual appearance of doing damage is indeed triggering my C++ AI system !

The visual appearance and the C++ are linked together completely!

Awesome video, great work! Lots of destruction. :smiley:

pure fun :smiley:
and a nice system by the way.

If your AI attacks other units though, from a technical standpoint, it would be more efficient for all to attack one target until it is dead, thus decimating the enemies damage-dealing power. But since the poor helpless castle can’t fight back…

next step: add towers that shoot and thus are priority targets? :smiley:

I really love your videos ! They are always so much fun.

I LOL’d when your dwarves started making grunting noises… I thought at first it was you grunting into the mic!! :stuck_out_tongue: haha

Nice work as always! Your dynamic pathing system is coming along really well, what are your plans for it when you are finished? A possible Marketplace item?? :slight_smile:

They are getting smarter and more violent! :eek:

Contrary to alfalfasprossen’s suggestion i like that they are picking an unattacked target. It would be nice to watch them plunder a village. :slight_smile:

Excellent work as usual ! Do you think that you could make a video of you setting up AI with your system and how your AI editor works? Thank you! :slight_smile:

is really cool stuff. I’ll be sure to show our AI developer.

Flippin amazing ! I was thinking about tackling something like for the maze generator. You are using a Spatial data structure right ? Octrees ? BVH ? Binary Tree ? Quadtrees ? I must know more!

I should say i didn’t read the thread, im on 56k atm so i had to go steal the free wifi at the coffee shoppe to watch the video and the site is loading posts so slow lol. If you already said how you did it forgive me while i wait for days. lol

Amazing work once again .

Hee hee! Actually I really like the grunting noises too! I dont know where Epic got those sounds from! I hope someone at Epic was making those noises into the mic! (its all from the RTS Sample :slight_smile: )

Yes some variant of my AI system would surely make a fun Marketplace item!

I do have plans in that regard :slight_smile:

Hee hee!


Your cows are the next playable unit!

I bet most people wont guess what their ability will be… hee hee! (feel free to try though)

I got big plans for my AI editor for two of the projects I am currently working on, so yes I will have videos soon as I can! Thanks for asking! :slight_smile:

Lovely to hear from you ! :slight_smile:

I am using my own algorithm that doesn’t have any name I know of, cause I wrote it myself :slight_smile: It involves doing a spatial analysis of a series of nodes and find the closest nodes to the goal that are also touching the current node.

The whole thing relies on some awesome functions that you can find in Box.h in UE4’s code base.

None of my internal algorithms ever end up being too complicated, my policy is that if my code is getting overly complicated, I must be doing something wrong / very inefficient.

As a result I tend to rewrite my code a lot, and by the time I am done I am often surprised at how simple it becomes. :slight_smile:

I never take other people’s code or algorithms, I always write my own, so I understand it all from the ground up. I just use Epic’s functions and write my own code :slight_smile:

With the Warrior’s Power of Persistence I always find a way :slight_smile:

that’s what you see in my latest video!

All my own code having a Party blowing stuff up!


** AI Battles**

is my latest AI progress video!



  1. Programmatic setting of team color, that can be completely customized in BP

  2. AI pathing around obstacles

  3. AI direct pathing to chosen target

  4. AI moving around friendly AI units to get to open spot on target

  5. AI battles!

  6. AI damage to each other

  7. AI auto targeting buildings after all defenders…transmuted.

  8. A Surprise!


Well, that might just be the most creative way to make a dynamically placed forest at runtime I have ever seen! :stuck_out_tongue:
Another really cool video ! I could watch these all day. :wink:

I was expecting them to turn into Ents at some point and keep attacking. :smiley: That should definitely be the next phase. :slight_smile:

Hee hee!

That’s the secret of how forests are made! Higher dimensional dwarves battling it out gave birth to the forests of planet earth :slight_smile:

Many of the dwarves who lost the battle and became trees came to feel they actually won, cause being a tree is fun!

Hee heee!

Well if you can animate a tree like you did that cow then I can make it do stuff! Hee hee!

Looking good! You should have them make a sound when you drop them from the sky, sort of like maxwell the pigs “weeeee!” or something. =)