Runtime DataTable - Import/Export text CSV or Google Sheet at runtime and auto-update structs and UObjects!

Hi TechLord.

This is a question that comes up a lot lately because there is an issue with Token validation. I have solved this issue and submitted the fix to Epic, but they have yet to approve it. Going on 3 weeks wait time now. All we can really do is wait for the update to be completed. I apologize for the inconvenience, but a working plugin is coming. The ball is in the court of the marketplace team. Thank you for your patience.

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Hi @JaredTherriault. I truly appreciated the rapid response. Glad to know a fix is on the way and I’m not a fault. LOL. Is the fix simple to add myself? If YES. With proof-of-purchase can you provide access to the fix in the interim?

It’s fairly easy, it’s just one line. If you’re okay with Windows/Linux/Android binaries only (no Mac or iOS) then you can send me an email at

Email Sent!

For anyone watching the thread, the marketplace team has finally approved the changes for RDT and the fixes should be available now.

No idea how to send a private message.

The first issue is I can’t get it to read the JSON file. I’m on UE5.0.3 and DataTable I set up the google account and whatnot just fine, but am confused at the Documentation if something needs to be done in C++ or the Project files? My project is entirely in blueprints and I am not familiar with C, nor JSON files.


Error: “Unable to load the file specified”

You can just click on my name and choose “Message” (Profile - JaredTherriault - Epic Developer Community Forums).

Okay, so the path you’ve put in here is just a directory. It needs to be the full path to the csv, like C:\RunTimeDataTable\MyDataTable.csv.

What are you trying to do, exactly? Load a local csv or download from Google? Write to Google?

P.S. Thank you for letting me know the ‘send me a message’ links in the documentation were broken. I have fixed the links. They’re supposed to direct to my user page.

Although I still don’t see an option to message you directly, I just wanted to say that I did get the plug-in working correctly and thank you for the help!

Glad to, good luck on your project!

Hi Jared, does the plugin works with last unreal version 5.1?

Hello felipealvarez, it does indeed. You can see the compatibility on the main store page, right above the price!

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Hi Jared,
I am trying to package my project for Linux but I am getting this error and following the path, it seems like I’m missing the Linux folder. Can you help me with this? I am not very familiar with packaging for Linux.

Hello Tracy_HTech. Although the plugin does support Linux, Marketplace downloads do not include Linux binaries because the launcher does not support Linux. This is a long standing issue in Unreal Engine.

The idea is that you would build the Linux binaries yourself. It looks like you’re building Unreal Engine 5.0 on Windows, is that correct?

I’ve attached my Linux compilation script, but you will need to open it up and make some edits to point to your specific directories.

RuntimeDataTable_Linux.bat (364 Bytes)

  1. Make a new project and copy the Runtime DataTable folder from {Engine}/Engine/Plugins/Marketplace to the new project’s Plugins folder. Create it if it doesn’t exist.
  2. Open the .bat file in a text editor. We’ll need to edit it to fit your environment on line 2.
  3. After “call” you’ll see a reference to a directory on G. This is specific to my computer. Yours will probably be in C:/Program Files/Epic Games by default. Change this directory to reflect your env.
  4. After ‘-Plugin=’ change the directory to point to your new project that you created earlier. It just wants a project that has Runtime DataTable installed to it.
  5. After ‘-Package=’ change the place where you want the compiled plugin to go. It should go in an empty folder, but it doesn’t matter where. Be sure the folder is empty because everything in that folder will be deleted.
  6. Save the file and close your text editor.
  7. Right click on your edited .bat file and Run As Administrator and let it complete. If it doesn’t work or throws an error, double check your directories in the .bat file. They are case-sensitive and must be valid in order for this to work.
  8. When packaging completes, you can copy the plugin binaries from your ‘-Package=’ directory and paste them into the Runtime DataTable plugin folder in the Marketplace folder. Don’t replace the folder since this is just the Linux binaries. Instead, merge the folders.
  9. Try to package your game again.
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Morning Jared,

Thanks for the detailed explanation. Really appreciate it.

I hope it works out for you! Thank you for supporting Linux gaming!

Hi Jared, does the plugin works with last unreal version 5.2?

Hi mvmoris!

It does, but Epic has not yet approved my submission. We just have to wait it out. This happens every time a new engine version releases because there are a lot of plugin submissions to wade through. It’ll be up eventually!

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New version is finally up, now supporting 5.2!


5-12-2023 (,, Edited a tooltip for WriteToCsv to make it clear that a token is required to write and edited a tooltip for ValidateGoogleSheetsDownloadAndLoadBackupIfNeeded such that InCallbackInfo is now properly described.

Hi Jared,
In versions prior to 4.27 you had two optional fields in the MakeCSVInfoFromFile and MakeCSVInfoFromString BP: Delimiter Character and Wrapper.
In the following versions these fields disappeared. How can I do to set the Delimiter Character to ‘\t’ instead of the default ‘,’ ?
Thanks a lot !

Hello Manuel,

this feature was dependent on an Epic API which removed the delimiter option. It’s been hardcoded to “,” for a while now, so we can’t really support it either unfortunately.