Run RealityCapture.exe in powershell

Hi Daniele,
you mentioned that after installation there are files in C:\Program Files\Capturing Reality\RealityCapture>
Can you check if they are all needed files to run RealityCapture (compare it with the ordinary installed application)?
Also, what is the reason to run it is such way?

Also, our developers were informed about this and we will discuss, what could be wrong there.

The reason behind is an attempt to scale our workflow better.
Currently we use expensive machines with GPUs and have a python script which runs every step in RC, from align to export, managing the input parameters, retrying if necessary, etc.
However, since it is running on a single machine that means we are using expensive GPU but not utilizing them. According to our research we need GPU only during the reconstruct-unwrap-texture.
Also, as soon as project is finished it is deleted from the machine so we can’t retrigger any particular step later on.
Instead, we were thinking of running it in k8s, with 2 pools: GPU and CPU-only machines, with different specs. Then, using any workflow tool (f.e. Argo) we can schedule, orchestrate and manage our workflows having the best resource utilization, so at the end we expect it to become faster and cheaper.

Hi Daniele, we had just call with our developers, and as the RC is not starting at your side, there could be some issues, which we don’t know about.
There are some conditions, which need to be satisfied to run RC on docker. You need to have a proper container for Windows, also the computer, where it is running needs to have the same Windows version, you need to have a GPU with CUDA on that machine, also some kinds of modifications, etc.
There are some links they sent me:

We will try to investigate this issue more.