RPG Horror System - For my game

Alright, I’ve been working on some base props for the first level. For now I’ll say is that it is a type of facility on a snowy mountain in Norway :wink:

I’ve made modular wall segments for solid wall, doorway, several window types and also door / window frame for the respective segments. I also started on a collection of modular ventilation system parts.

Here are a few screen-grabs

https://farm3.staticflickr.com/2950/15275904999_d653d3af5f_b.jpgEarly progress hallway

https://farm4.staticflickr.com/3928/15439811056_0be4bbfa8c_b.jpgEarly progress hallway 2

https://farm3.staticflickr.com/2950/15276145119_014d5c0820_b.jpgModelling props

https://farm3.staticflickr.com/2948/15463029035_fc223218c4_b.jpgModelling props

I’ve worked on these a few days. Had some trouble with lightmap artifacts, but found a solution on getting the modular pieces to blend properly w/o any noticeable artifacts, although not one I’m satisfied with.
I have also worked extensively on fleshing out a good design document for the game, writing down plot/story, progression, gameplay elements and generally how **** works + a detailed floorplan on the first level and documented puzzles/progression of it.

Sure noticed how much the development benefits from that.

So there you have it. I got the basic floor-plan blocked out with these meshes, so now I’m going back to the programming part.



  • Had to change to my stock CPU cooler, as my other one broke down. Now I’m having insane problems with the cooling when building lighting. Almost at once it goes up to 74 celcius, and steadily increases to 82 before the build is done. I have to watch the entire process whilst monitoring the temperature in case I have to abort the build. Not so intuitive (I’ve made sure the cooling paste is applied correctly, and the sink is fastened).

Any ideas on how I could make the Swarm agent use less CPU?? I don’t mind longer build time, as long as it does not fry up.

Looking great so far! As for the quoted question above. Do you have other computers in your household/office by chance? You could set up a swarm network and offload some of the lighting to them to help. I doubt this will reduce overall load on your actual machine but who knows. Or! You could purchase a box fan, take the side of the case off and let that cool it xD


Nah, I only have this. Well, I do have a laptop that kinda sucks. Do I need to install anything in particular to let the swarm agent run across? I’ll see if I can change the load on the CPU in windows (task manager perhaps).

Thanks for the tip.

Alright. Got some more inventory code down, so the actual logic of it is nearing completion. I’m kind of waiting for 4.5 before absolutely finishing the HUD UI, so I’m prototyping the UI for now w/ a simple design for testing.
Even though I love to make the art as I go, I’m holding off on finalizing the UI, as mentioned, as it might change a bit. We’ll see.

So, coding a few days, now I had to try out a method I read about that was heavily used on “The Vanishing of Ethan Carter”, as I’m sure most of you know of. I took a nice trip on a cloudy day to take some photos of a pine tree.

Focusing on the trunk first, as I had no ladder with me. I’ll create the crown in 3DS Max and reuse the normal/diffuse/displacement.
This is 4 hours of work, as it took some time to set up and clean some of the photos. My kids were kind enough to photo-bomb some of the angles.
Here is my progress so far (Displacement map is a bit on the heavy side…)


https://farm4.staticflickr.com/3945/15520036662_3274e92e36_o.jpgPinetree lowpoly wireframe

https://farm6.staticflickr.com/5600/15333686310_c786bf6562_o.jpgPinetree lowpoly w/baked maps


https://farm4.staticflickr.com/3948/15332875287_b05c02c203_o.jpgHighpoly mesh pinetree

https://farm4.staticflickr.com/3927/15520036732_3ab72f58d9_o.jpgPinetree highpoly