Rifle Animset Pro

Thanks for the detailed response Kubold! This is very good info to know.

You mean Maya has a built-in autorigger? Does it really work in 2 clicks, without having to fiddle around with weight painting and correcting finger deformations, etc.

AutoRIGGER, not auto skinner. Skinning is painting the bone weights etc. Rigging is preparing the skeleton to be animated - adding handles, IK, all the “puppeteering” stuff. So, if you have a character model, skinned to the skeleton with proper bone names, you can rig it in Maya or Motionbuilder with 2 clicks, yes.

I’m trying to add UE4 AimOffset poses to the pack. I’m following the manual to the point and ending up with this result (attached jpg).

The poses have 1 frame, are Additive MeshSpace. I didn’t manage to find any help online; just a guy simillar problem (link to thread). What am I doing wrong?

EDIT: Ok, I got it. Apparently you have to finish the whole space and then it starts working. You can’t just put 1 animation for preview, you have to add at least 3, so they create… well, a space :slight_smile:

Hello Kubold,

Really great to see these going onto the Marketplace.

I’ve just been looking at the videos and the lists of animations for both sets and have a question for you.

The movement animations in the rifle pack all seem to be in the aiming pose, do you have plans to make movement animations with him carrying the rifle and not looking down the sights? The leaning turns in the movement set look really nice, would be great to get a version of those kinds of moves with him carrying a weapon.

It should be quite straightforward to make these myself from your animations but thought I’d ask before working out how long I’d need to do them!




don’t do it! :slight_smile:
Don’t make another 100+ almost identical animations, with slightly lowered rifle. Use IK, or Upper Body Additive or Override on both hands or something. 20 minutes of work, if you know what you’re doing.


I’m thinking more of carrying the rifle across the body, similar to your idle poses rather than just lowering it from the aim pose. A relaxed patrol walk would be an example. Carrying the rifle like that would need it’s own upper body animations I think.



Hey if you got time, take a look at this:[Request] Sword Character Animset - Marketplace - Epic Developer Community Forums

Yep, seems easly doable (especially that it’s just walking, so around 20 anims). Just keep in mind, that with current submission process speed, you’ll get them in half a year :wink:

I already have a lot of sword animations made for Aliens, Trolls & Dragons (all anims I make are actually made for this game, that’s my way of funding it). I have to speed up the development though, so I’ll have less time to make some money selling them. Preparing them for selling takes a lot of time (store descriptions, screenshots, graphics, vides, lists, submitting, forums, e-mails - it’s almost like a full time job, takes weeks just for this).

Fantastic animation!!!

Looks great. I personally wouldn’t buy, but not due to anything of your creation, unless it had first animations for the traditional “separate arms + weapon first person view” set up in most first person games. Frankly its easy to get animations of this type (albeit much lower quality) for free, but right now very little exists in terms of works-perfectly-for-first-person animations.

I know its a lot of work, but I would love 1P anims as well as some ability to be manipulated by IK so that the hands can match different grip positions (not exactly grip type, i.e. underhand vs c-grip, but that’d be +1 and is doable with another layer of blending) so that when I prototype an M16 vs an Ak47 vs generic-sci-fi-rifle that all have a similar rifle hold I could apply it to… I’d buy the asset multiple times as well as fund its creation to my ability (however my ability for funding is extremely limtied so this means nothing).

I can set up the logic for this type of 1P anim system but I am an absolutely terrible animator, and I think many UE4 devs are in the same boat.

So in short: you want FPP animations and you will download your TPP animations from the internet for free.

Pretty much. Just saying that there are already so many sources for third person animations, even full collections of freely available mocap data. And now with Mixamo and others… finding a first person rifle animation set is pretty hard in comparison.

I’ll keep that in mind.

Great stuff Kubold :slight_smile:

I purchased Movement Animset Pro for UE4 last week and now that Rifle Animset Pro for UE4 has just hit the Marketplace I will purchase it this week. I’m looking forward to the cover animations aswell :slight_smile:

I see you’ve done some great work with the unity system in creating a third person controller to utilize your animations. Do you have plans to do the same with UE4? I need help in getting a working controller together and think it would be a great boon to the UE4 community if we could purchase a pack that included your animations and controller in one pack.

Warm Regards,

Any ETA on cover pack?

Hi, Please change other animation with same from UE4 Animation Starter Pack in Marketplace. Replace with a cover, died to wake-up and other replace w/o same animations. Or make 50% off because all your anime same from UE4 Animation Starter Pack with free…Thanks

What are you talking about?

It’s done :slight_smile:

Has anyone tested the crouch movement animations? Do they blend well for diagonal movement? I can see from the list there is diagonal movement animations for walking and running.