Respawning Actor on Player Death

No, unfortunately they were not reappearing. I messed around in the Level Blueprints and got kind of close. The way it’s setup is when the player dies, the actor is spawned at a certain spot marked by a target actor. This isn’t optimal at all and the previous actor is still there after you spawn, it’s just spawning in a duplicate. The collision boxes are also gone. This is the level blueprints for it if it makes it easier to understand.

Also thank you for the links. For the second link it would be ‘ResetMap’ -> ‘Get All ACtors Of Class’ -> ‘For Each Loop’ -> ‘Cast to Flat’ - > ‘Set Visibility’ -> ‘Set Actor Enable Collision’, with the static mesh components as targets? I imagine I would keep the IsValid as well? Would anything change within the Actor and Character blueprints?