Reset Mesh

This is weird because it seems that there is no difference with mine which here works fine.

If it happens before you activate the first timeline then it can be an overlap issue that you’ll can fix by adding on the events a “cast to” your character linked with event “other character” node to be sure nothing else interfere (like the ceiling ^^).

If this is on activation : The only part i don’t see is the “set relative location” so be sure you didn’t used something else like set actor location

It this is ok, try to activate only first timeline then do alt-s to simulate and check your spear position. And do the same after activating the second timeline. You’ll know where your component goes to party ^^
It maybe a location trouble so or a relative location issue or the 100 value to change. Check all of that.

Okay…so why not use set actor relative position? I guess I do not understand the difference between the two.

Set actor location is used to move the actor (the blueprint, the root box and the door <- this sounds like a cool new narnia story :stuck_out_tongue: ) to a world location.
Set actor relative location move the actor to a relative location from the actual actor location.
Set relative location move a component of the actor to a location relative to the root (or its direct parent if component is not directly under the root).

Well…thanks for that information. Makes sense. Well I have set relative location there. …I checked everything you said. … I think the disappearance is happening right at or just before the timeline…it’s hard to distinguish…does unreal have a step into code ability. …the alt s was to slow…

To debug, drag your blueprint in a default level. Set your box visible and not hidden in game and begin play with player start out of the box.
Then when you’ll simulate, if your blueprint is gone with the wind, check on the right, the scene outliner window and find your bluprint in.
By double clicking on it, youll go where it is and will see what happened.
If you haven’t overlap it then it may be an overlap event so do the “cast to” player. If it does not move on start but only goes wild on your overlap then it may be one of your values (the 100 offset location or something you made in your timeline)

Alright…hehehe…I am honestly following your instructions…however, when I attempt this now its crashing the engine…hehehe

I sent you a PM…

If someone search for it later, here is the blueprint working :

Main mistakes which do not appear were in timelines : Use a basic set up for them : from 0 to 1 s for time and from 0 to 1 for value like in this tutorial :

There were some other small issues i corrected :
The location variation was on Z axis so top down.

I replaced actor overlap event by a component overlap event and i added a box set to overlap around the spear set to block to create event on overlap instead of event hit which was troubling but to always have the blocking action of the spear.

I suppressed the end overlap event for reversing movement spear because i thought that it was not realistic and that with first a delay second a simulated hit event, it would be ok but if you want it back you just have to connect to the branch like delay and simulate hit event.

I may have forget an issue. I hope no ^^

Wow…Fen…That is some good looking BP right there…I see where I went of skew a bit…thanks for the assist…I am learning new fun stuff all the time…

Here is my Last big question…How do you store the Starting Position of the Actor, in this case StatciMesh1, so that you can destroy the actor and recall its beginning location. That has been gnawing on me for the entire time of this great Tutorial.

Component staticmesh 1 is under parent box2. Only parent has event so instead of destroy / add your spear the best would be to add a set hidden in game and a set no collision. Then add those as conditions to ignore overlap event if it happens when spear is “destroyed” and when spear is “repaired” then set it back to not hidden in game / block all.

Oh and what does Cast to My Character do?

It checks that your event is not done by something else than your character (if floor, wall, any item and even enemies overlap it, it will be ignored.)

Okay… So I get what you are saying, well for the most part.

What I would like to know, and I haven’t been clear about it, my Fault!!! lol…

How does one store the location data for any actor so that it can be recalled later like for a respawn. This has nothing to do with this BP directly, but could. How do I store the starting location of an object?

As it is done in the event begin play part of this blueprint. Create a variable / array entry based on vector/ transform, depending on what you want, and set it with the appropriate get location / transform dragged from the component / actor (which can be find by “get all actors” or from a variable / array.