[Request] FBX camera import

Hi, not sure how helpful this will be (if it’s the same problem, if my 3dsmax workaround works in maya too…), but recently I needed to export camera animation from 3dsmax and as in your case, position was imported correctly into matinee, but camera rotation was weird and also it looked like camera has a position offset.

What worked for me:

  • create a copy of the animated camera (copy should maintain the same animation)
  • create a dummy object at 0,0,0 coords with zero rotation
  • link the copy of the camera to the dummy
  • rotate the dummy by -90 degrees in vertical axis - this should also rotate the copy of the camera and it’s animation
  • now create a new camera and align it at every frame to the copy of the camera that was rotated together with the dummy
  • export the new camera

Some notes:

  • possibly the process can be simplified (didn’t try yet)
  • of course for this to be feasible you need at least some script (or build in functionality if maya has one) to automate the aligning of the new camera to the rotated copy of the camera
  • maybe in maya you will have to rotate by +90 degrees or by some different axis
  • on top of that all, probably some simple and elegant scripted solution could be done (which I will do in 3dsmax if it will turn out I need to do this more often)

Thanks for sharing this Tomas! Although I’ve adapted my workflow to the current situation of the camera import bug, I may give your workaround a shot later.

Bumping this, cuz this is still a bug in the latest version.

Sometimes the keys that imported into CameraAnim is color green, and all everything works fine. However, sometimes the keys are imported in as red keys and all rotations are mixed up. :confused:

Greens key are correct but very slow to edit though.

Well, for now we have to try to crash the engine to get it to import this as a green keys. (Split movement into transition and rotation, then reimport key->engine will crash, Reopen and import again, this time the key will be green. Pretty ridiculous…)

Is there any solutions here to importing Maya camera’s to UE4?

Considering epics support for “cinematic” approaches, this seems like a major limitation.