Replicating TMaps, what are my options?

You could update the values locally through an internally patching system and just do this once per update instead of having to constantly sync it. Less network traffic also during gameplay.

You will not have accurate stat values on the clients, no matter how hard you try, unless you change the entire network model to be a “deterministic, queued-commands” model like most RTS-es. The Unreal networking model by default makes implementing that pretty hard, and on mobile you have no guarantee of numeric determinism, so it’s a very very hard thing to implement. I’d suggest living with the fact that some stats are going to be off for a little bit on the client occasionally.

Isn’t that exactly what I suggested above? (Actually, I suggested re-calculating only when things actually change, which will be less than once per frame typically)

I was thinking more along the lines of full local calculations, no replication of internal parameters. Only passing over the driver of stat changes like a character level once per character spawn.
The data would be for the most part static only updating local database entries en mass via a game version / internal stat system update at the start of the game.

No mention of in-game updating deltas in my later post like in your earlier post.