No, im not saying that, im speaking in a BP’s background. Im saying to take one of your GameInstances and reparent to the other one which is child of UGameInstance.
If both game instances that you have inheritate already from UGameInstance you dont need to create anything, just reparent one to the other. Have in mind that if you have duplicated functions they may conflict
Inheritance is the same in all contexts when you are working with OOP. I sent you the video to understand inheritance, not to copy and paste what he is doing. Enter Unreal Slakers and ask in #programming, we will be able to help you better there. Its a chat, just google it.
OOP is Object Oriented Programming, and yes you are already doing inheritance because your GameInstances are childs of UGameaInstance
I already told you twice, enter slackers and we can have a better talk there.
Read above, google unreal slackers and enter the discord ill be able to help you better there.
Yes im there waiting.