Reference to other Actor + Keep Simulation Changes = Crash

Hi ,

I sent you a message on the forums, please take a look when you have a chance.

hi again. check the forums for my reply

I was able to reproduce it on my end and have sent the project on to be assessed. I will let you know as soon as we have some more information as to what is going on.

hi again. just dropping by to say that this crash still happens in the 4.7 preview 4 :slight_smile:

Thank you, , I’ll pass this information along!

hi again. just dropping by to say this crash still happens in the 4.7 preview 5

oddly enough the place where it crashes is slightly different now. In the VisualStudio callstack I can actually see now that it goes into Array.h and executes the CopyToEmpty() function and then AllocatorInstance.ResizeAllocation() inside it. then I can’t see more about it

anyway you have the repro steps and my project (still, I hope). just waiting for an update

Hi ,

I updated the information with so we can better test for what is occurring. Thank you for the update!

so why is this marked as resolved?

curious if this is the same problem as this: "Set Array Elam" isn`t work at struct array - Programming & Scripting - Unreal Engine Forums

The answered status is used to denote a question that has received a bug report or a full answer. The bug report has been properly logged and updated with all information presented, so we mark it as answered so that we can track the bug properly as it moves through our system. If you post again on the thread, it unmarks the answer so that I will know further information has been requested and can respond accordingly (thus helping to prevent questions from getting lost in the interim).

To answer your second question, I do not believe they are the same or related. 6451 deals specifically with setting a struct in an array, whereas your error seems to stem from something else. I have sent a message to W. for further information and to confirm whether or not 6451 is actually related and will update you when I know more.

well that’s definately misleading. the issue is not resolved, just “answered”. and the answer is that sometime in the future (might be a far future, seeing how the initial question is over one year old) it might be looked into.

is there even a bug entry about this? some way that I can track its progress?

The bug report is UE-15868 and has been marked as a critical, high priority bug. Unfortunately this bug has been extremely resilient to our efforts of fixing it as you have seen so I don’t have a timeframe of when a new potential fix will be available. I’ll keep you updated as this changes.

hi ,

any news on this?


Hi ,

This has been marked fixed as of 4.9.

  • Are you still experiencing this error in later builds?
  • Is it following the same steps as before to reproduce the error or do you have updated repro steps?

hi ,

I wasn’t aware this was fixed, I thought you’d keep me updated as you mentioned

I just tested this again on my setup, on 4.11 preview5. Im happy to see that the crash is finally gone.

so yay, this awesome feature is now finally usable to its full potential :slight_smile:
