Realistic Blueprint Weapons update package

Thanks! and I wanted to yell at Google again…
(I knew that it was a joke! Really, I swear!..)

The update has been submitted to Epic, now it’s just a matter of waiting.

Both penetration and attachments are there, also, simple zeroing is added.

Expect updates to penetration and zeroing soon.

A quick explanation of the penetration:
A bullet in flight has some energy (Joule).
You can specify how much energy it takes to penetrate 1 cm of a certain Physics material in the ImpactBehavior datatable I have added.
Once the bullet hits an object, it loses energy based on how much it penetrates and what material it is. The bullet continues its flight on the other side of the object.

Quick explanation of the attachments
The attachment system is made with Blueprintable components. You make an attachment based on the BaseAttachment class, specify a skeletal mesh if your attachment has one and also specify which socket on your weapon you want this attachment to attach to.(a lot of attachment in this system).
You can then add components to this Blueprint. If you want to change the muzzle velocity, you add that component, max bullets, that component.
It is demonstrated in the character Blueprint how to attach attachments to the weapon.

Sadly I can’t make any videos to demonstrate all this before the weekend.

As always you can just send me a PM or an email and I will respond as fast as I can.


Great update! These features are really useful.

That update is ‘unreal’! Sorry, had to be :wink:

Message from Epic:

The update is now live!

Hi ! Good work so far.
It’s difficult to check every single thing, so I was wondering if you could start making a changelog of new things, because I’ve already implemented this into my project and it is hard to know if you’ve changed a small thing (but with big effects) in a function inside a blueprint.

TL;DR please could you tell us what files have actually been changed + where so we don’t mess up our project! ( for example: I’ve implemented max ammo myself as it wasn’t there before!)

Big changes in projectile class, since I added penetration.
Some additions to the Base weapon. I don’t think I changed much of the existing stuff. I did change some stuff in “tryspawnprojectile”.

I actually want to come up with a system where can avoid this problem. Setting up events you can listen to and stuff.

I can’t really keep track myself too well to be honest.

I’ll try my best to inform you guys.

I can say that you shouldn’t change anything in the penetration code or in the zeroing code. I have some updates for that coming in the near future.

whoaaaaaaa awesome update !!

I’m glad you like it :slight_smile:

Does the price change based on the region you’re in? It’s $71.99 here in the UK! Looks like a great update though. As soon as I have the spare money I’ll be buying it for sure :slight_smile:

Well .

It’s adding UK VAT.

**** the UK and it’s VAT :frowning: Oh well, I’m paid soon anyway…

Start a small company and get VAT excempt?

In Denmark you don’t have to pay VAT as a company. Don’t know the rules in the UK.

Thanks for replying. I’m just about to migrate my custom one to your new update (I changed a lot of the reload functions etc.)

Can I ask what you changed? Maybe your features could be something that fits into the system and I can make it a standard.

Let me know :slight_smile:

hi , i’m really intrested in your blueprint, but have some questions if possible??, i want to know if it is possible to make with it balls that sticks, bounce, explode, or guided missiles.

No,that’s not possible. Projectiles are best. Arrows, bullets, and maybe thrown objects.


The above video was made using Realistic Blueprint Weapons attachment system.

He is building a weapon out of parts that are being attached to the weapon. Each attachment not only alters the look of the weapon, but also the stats.

This means you can have extended mags, longer barrels, scopes and stock all affecting the statistics of your gun as well as the look of the gun.

I will post a video explaining how to do what you see above. I hope you guys enjoy :slight_smile:

Here’s a more thorough walkthrough of the attachment system: