If i apply a “Number of LODs” with a screen percentage and add than for the next LOD a Billboard, the billboard creation changes the screensize for all my previous LODs to very random numbers.
I’ve just taken a look - it does change the screen sizes when the Billboard you’re adding uses a screensize that is greater than the last screensize used with the LODs - it has to do that to ensure the LODs and Billboards are correctly ordered.
The best way to work with it is to create the Billboard first, then change the screen sizes and reduction amounts.
You can use the “Change LOD ScreenSizes/Reduction Amounts” - what I do is create the values I like and then store them in the vault so I can reuse them quickly and easily whenever I want.
I did notice that if I use the “Set Num LODs” tool from the content browser and have the mesh open in the StaticMesh editor that it doesn’t reflect the correct values - I had to close the SM editor and reopen it for the correct values to show - I’ll add some code to get that to refresh automatically.
Yes, with the “Only One” option you will only see one mesh (or if you’ve collated your meshes into folders - then one folder of meshes) at a time - you can click the Randomize button and it will choose one of the meshes you’ve built it from:
Regarding the rdLODtools vault - there are different values depending on how many LODs you’re using - so if you saved a set of ScreenSizes for a mesh with 5 LODs and then add another LOD - you’ll need to save a new set to the vault for 6 LODs.
Hi, thanks for the detailed explanation and log file.
It looks like there’s a bad actor which is causing the Blueprint Compiling to fail.
One way to test is to use the built in “Create Blueprint from Selection” tool - if it crashes too then you’ll have to find which asset is causing the issue.
Otherwise, are you able to provide a small zip of the asset that causes the problem (DM me, and I’ll delete after testing) - I’ll run it with debug mode and trace through what’s causing it.
It looks like the Red channel gets destroyed when I try to resize some normal maps? whats going on here that I’m doing wrong? a whole bunch of my project assets are messed now and I have to find and re import from original source
using UE5.1
(edit) trying to isolate the problem,
its not consistent, it seems to happen to only some normal textures, and for the life of me i can’t find any settings that are different on them… will keep looking…
So with the "Create Blueprint from Selection” tool is the prefab very good doable.
I try to deactivate some options and it looks like the “Convert to ISM” option makes problems. If its deactivate it works and also very quickly.
I also tried it in a demo project from the visual assets and there it works quite also quite well.
Maybe because my project is quite big already?
I really dont know what causes the problem.
Because the demo project works, it makes no sense to send it to you unfortunally.
Would it be possible to create the prefabs into the smaller project and migrate it to my real project without breaking something?
Or i have to use for big/many assets the built in prefab tool and yours for the smaller pieces that i can randomize.
I’ve just gone through and tried to get it to fail but haven’t been able to - I even tried converting the whole level including sun,skylight and skydome and it just all worked - that was with ISMs too.
I think it must be a bad actor in there that’s causing problems - if you still have problems getting it to work even from a smaller project, try going through your selected actors looking for anything that may be the issue. Maybe you could post a screenshot of the selected actors?
I am not sure if it was covered before but I wasn’t able to find any. When I enable the octahedron mesh when creating an imposter. The imposter of the tree mesh goes down in the Z-axis. Then there is a lot of crazy stretches of the three from one side of the world to the other. I’ll try to post some screenshots soon not sure if that caused a memory leak or something but I also started getting memory error but I am guessing that is something else.
Hi. I have a situation where I have very dense foliage made from very dense nanite meshes. And the ideal solution is to cut nanite meshes to octahedral imposters at a certain distance. I tried generating octahedral imposter (with the plugin enabled) and it came out as this gray blob with a tree shadow inside. Is there any solution involving rdTools or other software to get the nanite foliage to have an imposter LOD?
Assuming you’ve set up a WPO distance cutoff, the biggest rendering problem with dense nanite trees is when they’re up close - it’s the lighting calculations - try having 10,000 nanite trees in the distance and note the speed there, then test when you’re close to them - then try turning the lighting off (or turn something like ultra-dynamic sky to night).
Nanite already has impostors built in (just small 12x12 from memory).
To get your trees to flip to using impostors or billboards you would have to do something like run a sphere trace every time your character moved, then convert the trees within that sphere to Nanite trees, but when outside the sphere, turn to LOD based - if you’ve got shadows enabled though, even they will not be fast if you have WPO on the LODs.
I did some tests about a month ago with using a combination of billboards and Nanite trees around the perimeter of them - we got a million billboards (no shadow) and 6,000 Nanite trees running at 120FPS on my bosses RTX4090 - so it is possible to get performance increases - but it’s still very noticeable when looking above the tree line.
In the end, a scalable tree population system is the way I went - I built a population system into rdInst which selects a density amount (and set of splat maps if desired) based on the current scalability level - it seems to be working well - when running on older DX11 hardware it uses the fallback LODs in the nanite foliage - combined with the less dense foliage it keeps the framerate at a usable level.
Regarding the blob LOD - you should be able to get something that looks better than a blob (although all impostors have a blobby kind of look up close) - maybe try turning up the resolution of the textures - impostors require a lot of frames so the texture res has to be kept fairly high.