Radar Chart Widget

Hi @cp1, I already submitted the 5.1 version a while ago, I am not sure, how long Epic will take for compiling the binaries.

hello , is it possible to import your demo into an android project ?

Hello, we’re having a problem using the plugin.
It seems that reusing the same widget after collpasing and then re-setting it to visible is not making it updates.
We’re using the invalidation panel option, so I thought it was something bad with not calling refresh properly, but it seems actually the slate ptr is not valid

HI, sorry for the late response, I didn’t get a notification by mail.
The demo is just a blueprint project, so there should be no problem importing it to another project. And I’ve tested/built it for android by myself, without errors.

Hi, I’m not sure why the shared ptr may not be valid in your case. I’ve tested it with collapsing then updating etc…
Does it work if the invalidation panel option is deactivated?

noob question. any tutorials on how to create Realtime feedback that show up on graphs. want to use as damage indicator.
any help would be appreciated. new to game Dev