Question about UTimelineComponent::AddInterpFloat() and Property

I know this is an old topic, but I have been dealing with this error for a while and just fixed it by looking at UE5 source code and a single Google Search result translated from Chinese. This post is the first to pop up looking for this error so for any potential people in the future:

  • Here’s a forum post about how inefficient this tick log is. I was able to look at the code from here and understand that, even since UE4, there have been tick checks that will give you this warning and others even though there is a AddInterpFloat() constructor that allows you to leave out the missing float!
  • From looking through the source code, and seeing how UTimelineComponent is an extension of FTimeline, the answer to the original question is… an oversight from the UE5 developers?

For now, an example of my fix was changing my code from

moveAlongSpline->AddInterpFloat(movementCurve, onTimelineCallback);


moveAlongSpline->AddInterpFloat(movementCurve, onTimelineCallback, "CurveFloat");

and adding UPROPERTY() float CurveFloat; in the .h file. If it doesn’t have UPROPERTY(), it doesn’t work, in my case.
And if you are getting SetPlaybackPosition: No direction property 'None' in [your class instance here], then add to your .h file:

	TEnumAsByte<ETimelineDirection::Type> TimelineDirection;