
Is there a 4.18 compatible version of this plugin?

Lastest Readme says it works with 4.19.2. Doesn’t seem to be the case though.

Check your . If its root is an array, it won’t work. The root must be an object. Also check the output log for plugin messages.

Probably not anymore because of a change for 4.19.2. But if you compile from the 4.17 source available here, it will work on 4.18.

Why is that? I am using it in a 4.19.2 project without any problems. Actually, that’s why I updated the README (and a deprecated function).
If you are looking for compiled version, I didn’t release it. But you can download the source and let the engine compile it for you. You just need to have Visual Studio installed.

Hi, I want to use this plugin to implement a leaderboard function in my game. I can’t seem to get the plugin to work at all though. I have tried getting the master version that says it is compatible with 4.19.2, which is what I am using for this game, and it said binaries were missing or something like that. Then I tried using the release version that has binaries and the same things hjappened. It said the binaries were missing or not compatible. Either way, it doesn’t work. It also comes up saying something about missing modules.

I have looked through this forum thread and I cant seem to find any way of making it work. You have mentioned to compile it? How do i do that? i have visual studio but the enginge never asks to compile it, just that it isnt gonna work and then my project doesnt open.

You need the C++ components of Visual Studio in order to compile Unreal code.
Anyways, I added 4.19.2 binaries to the release on Github to save you time.

Hey RVillani,

Thanks for providing up to date binaries for my plugin - admittedly it’s been a while… Seems like you’ve added in a few type conversion nodes, thanks for that!
Having said that, >90% of the original code remains intact, so adding convenience methods doesn’t excuse you from removing all references to me as the original author. I know you’ve invested time in my plugin, but at least give me credit where it’s due man. :slight_smile:
Anyway, I’ve cleaned up and reformatted some of the methods and while I was at it I’ve recompiled it with the 4.21 editor, and it’s freshly available here: GitHub - Stefander/JSONQuery: JSON plugin for UE4!

The original creator is back!! :smiley:
Sorry about the references. I guess you’re talking about the source files, right? I learned to code by myself and never was really good with the social parts of it XD
But I kept this thread so people would know you are the original creator. :slight_smile: I’m not trying to make everybody think I’ve done it from scratch or anything. Hope you understand.

Haha yeah no worries man, all good! And happy you were here to keep it updated while I was away! :smiley:

Hello all. I tried to download a copy of the plugin from Github today. However, I received the attached error message when attempting to open Unreal. I’m using 4.21.0. Also, I with and without binaries and intermediate folders, but receive the error either way. Any help/input would be appreciated.


Hi Stefander the html export crashes on making a Post Request and it works on a windows export, anything that i can do to fix this?

If you downloaded the source only, you’ll need Visual Studio to build it.

Do you have a crash report or something that says in which code line the crash occurs? Can you upload a bug reproduction project?

Link where i did the get:

Local link where i do the post:

First image shows the BP Code, the second one show the React server running on my local machine where with the windows export it works well like it is show on it, the third one shows the browser version crashing.
Here it is log that appears on the browser:

Uncaught Error at Array. (blob:http://localhost:8000/96e3ee28-9514-4116-b50e-2b77e7f387e0:1:39270) at _emscripten_asm_const_iiii (blob:http://localhost:8000/96e3ee28-9514-4116-b50e-2b77e7f387e0:1:43654) at __Z15html5_break_msgPKcS0_i (wasm-function[788]:9) at __ZN14UJsonFieldData7OnReadyE10TSharedPtrI12IHttpRequestL7ESPMode0EES0_I13IHttpResponseLS2_1EEb (wasm-function[1532]:921) at __ZN21TMemberFunctionCallerI14UJsonFieldDataMS0_Fv10TSharedPtrI12IHttpRequestL7ESPMode0EES1_I13IHttpResponseLS3_1EEbEEclIJRS4_RS6_RbEEEDTclpmdtdefpT3ObjdtdefpT9MemFunPtrspcl7ForwardIT_Efp_EEEDpOSE_ (wasm-function[1545]:196) at __ZNK16UE4Tuple_Private10TTupleImplI16TIntegerSequenceIjJEEJEE10ApplyAfterI21TMemberFunctionCallerI14UJsonFieldDataMS6_Fv10TSharedPtrI12IHttpRequestL7ESPMode0EES7_I13IHttpResponseLS9_1EEbEEJRSA_RSC_RbEEEDcOT_DpOT0_ (wasm-function[1544]:9) at __ZNK34TBaseUObjectMethodDelegateInstanceILb0E14UJsonFieldDataF12TTypeWrapperIvE10TSharedPtrI12IHttpRequestL7ESPMode0EES3_I13IHttpResponseLS5_1EEbEJEE7ExecuteES6_S8_b (wasm-function[1542]:122) at __ZNK34TBaseUObjectMethodDelegateInstanceILb0E14UJsonFieldDataFv10TSharedPtrI12IHttpRequestL7ESPMode0EES1_I13IHttpResponseLS3_1EEbEJEE13ExecuteIfSafeES4_S6_b (wasm-function[1543]:148) at __ZNK13TBaseDelegateIvJ10TSharedPtrI12IHttpRequestL7ESPMode0EES0_I13IHttpResponseLS2_1EEbEE14ExecuteIfBoundES3_S5_b (wasm-function[49955]:203) at __ZN17FHTML5HttpRequest15FinishedRequestEv (wasm-function[49952]:940)

That error log is really hard to understand (if possible). Can you get the same crash in the editor? The editor’s crash log would probably say the exact code line with the problem.

It only happens in the browser export, if i do it on the editor or windows export, it works just fine. Is there any test that i can do, or even a video so you can see where the problem is coming from?
I can provide you my basic test server if you want to test it.

Hello Guys! I’m very intresting in this plugin.
i would like to know if it can be used to import 3d model in the scene at runtime.
I’ve attached an example of a table in format, can i read this file by the plugin and transform in mesh ? If yes anyone knows how can i do this ?

Thank you so much!!

Any chance this can be setup to work with version 2.22.3 or 2.3?

“If you downloaded the source only, you’ll need Visual Studio to build it.”

Also I am getting the same error. Is there a way to download this in a compiled state so I can use it without having to do that step?

Very nice and very easy to use! Thanks mate!
But it crashes the game if failed query, any idea how to fix it?:rolleyes: