Quaternion in blueprint

I actually had to do a big workaround for the lack of Quats when I was prototyping VR support for the advanced movement component before moving the code to c++. It was a nightmare if I remember correctly.

Possibly a noob suggestion, but wouldn’t it be possible to have someone that can do c++ to make a FunctionLibrary that expose the stuff we need to work with Quaternions in BP? Also i noticed that Mitch’s VR examples has some BP implemented functions, but since i don’t know much about Quaternions, i can’t say for sure if they’re sufficient in order to work with Quaternions in BP.

I’d also like to ask Epic to please consider this. Im working on a space shooter right now and I’ve had to do all kinds of work arounds with rotations because I dont have access to Quaternions. I was hesitant to use Blueprints at first since I have a coding background, but now Im in love with how easy they are to use.

Please Epic, consider adding more functionality to Blueprints!

I’m dyslexic. Literally the only reason I can code is because of blueprints. The logic behind it all is very very easy but I just can’t read code. No amount of special formatting tools in my editor will solve this. Blueprinting is sublimely easy.

A lot of people are the same way with code, particularly programming languages. Blueprints handle special characters, spelling and bizzarely character-for-character-specific requirements for you so you can focus on your problem instead of how you communicate to the compiler.

That might be effortless enough for you not to have to think about but we can’t all be so lucky.

You’re not helping us by stripping away serious rotation functionality and putting it somewhere must users can’t actually get to it. There would be fanfare if all of was exposed with a few useful functions to get people started (equivalent to look at, etc) and you’d all be worshipped.

Would appreciate full BP quat support.