Push player character with moving object (boulder)

Thank you for trying, this still doesn’t work. I get the same results as before. I even made a new clean project and tried it there. It does work when the character is moving. But if the character is standing still and then gets hit, nothing happens.

Does the Hit event fire at all when the character is standing still?

Try to use not the overall character hit event, but the On Hit Event for the Capsule Component. Maybe that might do.

Event still only fires when I move towards and hit the object. Very strange bug.

Did it work for you with a sphere and this hit event when you stood still?

I don’t think it’s a but, there’s something we’re missing.

What is you create a hit event in the boulder BP? Will it fire when the boulder hits the character?

Great, so you can use it this way then if it works =) Good luck!

I made this blueprint inside the boulder object, and it works perfectly now! I was going about it in the oposit way. Thank you so much for your help! :smiley:


I don’t think it’s a but, there’s something we’re missing.
What is you create a hit event in the boulder BP? Will it fire when the boulder hits the character?


I made this blueprint inside the boulder object, and it works perfectly now! I was going about it in the oposit way. Thank you so much for your help! :smiley: