Projectile trajectory and ground level

Thanks that’s interesting but I need something more precise.

Understandable! You could have the projectile’s movement interpolate between the positions so it looks more smooth/precise even though it’s not. Or alternatively instead of ints you could do it the same way Roy does but with floats and more parses, but that gets back to the question of if that’d be cheaper than just tracing or not.

I did find this interesting video Adapt Geometry/Particles to Ground/Terrain - YouTube
kinda solve the issue =) not sure how expensive is this solution though

Scene captures aren’t extremely cheap, but I don’t have the most frame of reference on how that would scale up. I’d give it a shot and see which option scales the worst. This also doesn’t handle collisions so you’ll have to make the collisions as a column.

yep will do !
thx for the help :+1:

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This is not very useful, it just deforms part of the rendered object instead of moving its actual root. Only use I can see for this is… maybe… to deform plane shaped objects like snow or cloth… maybe.

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You are right, but I just need the visual. Moba like projectile in 2d, I don’t care about its actual height.

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I know this chat might be a bit necro… but do you still have the Bp you showed off in the earlier stage i need something like that for my implementation and i’m not really sure how to go about it

Hey there @OverclockMugen! That implementation was unfinished even then, and was more of a demonstration of real time tracking. It’s inefficient if you need many of them, and can be done better with a system closer to what Roy described. I don’t think I still have it around, but I could look into it! What’s your use case?

@SupportiveEntity I’m hoping to make something that will hug the ground, something that will follow the elevation of the ground, but still remain on said ground

Gotcha, is this going to be many projectiles or just a couple? Is your landscape/play area dynamic or permanently static? If it’s not going to change, and you need multiple, I highly recommend going with Roy’s setup as it’s far more efficient and won’t constantly tick.