We support rotated sprites in an imported sprite atlas, but we don’t support rotation on tiles in tile maps currently. We are parsing off rotation bits in Tiled importer, but can’t do anything with them as runtime doesn’t support it yet:
Thanks for response I suspect you will see when you get through thread that you are correct 4.7 does fix loading issue. I still have issues with padding on tiles and also rotation. Had a quick look at code today , i can see that you extract rotation bits from gid of tileset but i could not see same for tilemap itself ! but as i said i only had a quick look at importer.
Are your normals/etc… packed into parallel atlas pages (e.g., each map of a given sprite has same rect in each atlas, so base is at X1Y1…X2Y2 in atlas 1 and normal is at X1Y1…X2Y2 in atlas 2)? If so, then you can get away with creating a single material per atlas page in order to do normal maps / masks / etc… I wouldn’t create sprite assets for additional images (normal, mask, etc…), just create sprites from base color set, and reference additional textures in your material.
Support for multiple textures on a sprite is planned, hopefully for 4.8, however it will still have limitation of each map needing to be in same relative location (only sending down one set of UVs per sprite vertex). I hadn’t given much thought to import from spritesheet workflow in that case though, good food for thought.
Yes in general I create one atlas map for each part of material, i.e Base color, Normal etc actual sprites and in same location on each atlas. I have no idea how to do what you suggested at moment but I’ll get to it at some point, still only my second day with UE4.
You are absolutely right with , but i went a little overboard because most of issues i used to have with paper2d were only occurring with large numbers of anything so first thing i do when i get my hands on something new that you created is to test it in extreme conditions . Better safe than sorry! And to my defense it did not occur to me that painting a tile had anything to do with map size.How little do i know :o
Would it be possible to create a very small and basic tutorial on how to use tilemaps? What benefits they have against normal sprites (batch rendering maybe?Less vram?) or what disadvantages ? Maybe Give us some sort of pro tips?
I’d actually expect similar performance here no matter what kind of actor you are moving around (sprites, static meshes, etc…) and doubt it is sprite-specific; 35k actors is a lot. However, I’d be thinking more on order of a few seconds to move that many actors in editor, not something like minutes, and wouldn’t expect an ongoing FPS hit after you’ve finished moving things.
One other tool that is useful is that you can stream in levels with a transform offset (which is especially useful when procedurally generating levels from sublevel ‘tiles’ that you might load multiple copies of at different locations), but you shouldn’t be forced to use that for your use case.
My biggest concern right now is not dragging many actors at once. It took me about an hour to move my levels around but since it is now finished and it had to be done only once I am ok with it.
My biggest concern is fact that with no blueprints open, just editor I have 100% CPU usage. Without me moving, selecting or dragging anything with real time preview disabled. Does amount of actors on viewport has an impact on CPU usage ? I am trying to figure out if is normal behavior , a paper2d limitation or just something wrong with latest 4.8 from . I really need your expertise on . It would really help me steer in right direction. If is normal how on earth will I be able to finish my game?
Thanks in advance. I really appreciate everything that you are doing for us.
Yes, number of actors in viewport (and in level as a whole to a lesser extent) has an impact on CPU usage. Hit the ~ key or open Output log and type “stat scenerendering”, which will give you a high level overview of current processing costs for scene rendering on CPU side (including viewport culling, etc…).
I haven’t seen anything like that before, can you throw an example asset on AnswerHub? I did change previews for flipbooks to take union of bounds for each individual frame, so it wouldn’t zoom in and out as it played, but I don’t think anything changed for regular sprite thumbnails.
Hiya just a little bit of feedback on tilemaps in 4.7 preview 7.
I saw that +1 tile offset bug is fixed (in orthographic view anyway, see below for other modes). Thanks for that. One little bug I’ve found is that when editing in viewport, tile only visually updates when you move camera. So click to paint tile, and then when you move camera does that tile actually show what you’ve painted.
Also, iometric staggered seems to have old +1x, +1y paint offset.
Also one tiny request is that we get control over splineterraincomponent collision resolution (ie how many collision planes get placed along spline). if we have sharp turns in a spline then those planes can cause wierd collisions as they stick out because of their alignment to tangent/normal of spline. a control for width of these would be nice to have a balance between performance and accuracy depending on how detailed that particular spline is.
most of my issues cannot be replicated in a small demo.If i can replicate it using standard paper2d template i am always happy to give it to for further analysis. Unfortunately i cannot reproduce (in my limited time that i have for bug reports) so i am posting these pictures here to try and help you pinpoint cause of evil.
Every new blueprint that i create does not provide a thumbnail of what is inside it . If for any reason i try to change a sprite or a flipbook from within an already created bp system keeps old thumbnail.
Now i am even more confused than before! I have an empty persistent level and all of my currently imported levels are unchecked with exception of my main menu that has only 29 actors.My cpu usage is at ~80% and my framerate is at 34fps(!) as seen on top right corner.I am no expert but i think scenerendering profiling shows nothing to worry about.
What is causing all cpu and gpu meltdown? Do actors that are unchecked (invisible) have an impact on cpu usage?
Last night i was trying to figure out what is best approach for creating a “big game” (meaning not tappy chicken ) in Unreal using new paper2d . Up until yesterday and before all performance hit i got from streaming levels i thought i had everything figured out. Just use my sprite tiles (since there is no tilemap support yet) to create my world. In my book there shouldn’t be any performance hit for my game since they are pollys and gpus eat them from breakfast. In my previous 2d game engine something like would be catastrophic.Why? Because GPU would have to make a million drawing calls,something that they are not very good at.So their solution was to have a tilemap editor that was smart enough to batch render anything that was a duplicate in close proximity. That could reduce draw calls and improve performance up to or even more than x100 times.
will your tilemap system work same way? Will it be considered as one sprite no matter how many tiles i have on my level?Could you please give me (or any other developer out there) some advice on how to trend since i am sailing in uncharted waters? I love my tilemaps because they give a distinct visual feel to my game. But is Unreal ready to handle something like ? From my aprox 35000 actors that i have in above scenario 90% are same 150 sprites.Do you guys have any plans to optimize engine for it to be able to handle something like ?
Link to sample project showing issue, tile set has been used on other engines without any issue ( tileset in case was created using UE4 texture packer export ).
in addition you will see another tile map in project which uses a single black tile , map works fine. So i am not sure if its tile set, padding or something else that causes issue.
i do not know you but i owe you a beer buddy!
is exactly what i see! But in my case is many times worse , since a have layers upon layers of sprites plus moving flipbooks.
Now try to imagine multiplied many times over in a game that we want to sell . It will be a complete disaster no matter how good game is.
Edit for developers: Please slomo to 0.1 and watch how engine renders sprites. pixels jitter all over place
Do you have realtime rendering turned off in that viewport? I haven’t done a pass to make sure actions call Invalidate where necessary yet.
Isometric staggered and Hexagonal projection modes aren’t fully supported yet. They’re pretty close to rendering correctly when imported from Tiled (default StaggerIndex and StaggerAxis only, and for hex maps, adjust tile size by HexSideLength IIRC), but I haven’t got math done for editing them yet.